A week ago I hadn’t ridden Green Mtn for over a year. What’s wrong with me?
Now I’ve ridden it three times and am gunning for more.

Max has an obsession with the trail (and shuttling it).

With good reason.

Good old fashioned hike-a-bike.

I bumped into none other than Steve Wishart on Sunday’s high spirited cruise around Starr Pass. He was easy to talk into the shuttle ride. Steve is an old friend from the UA cycling team. He and I went to Sandpoint, ID to race collegiate nationals together, among other adventures.

BMX’ers know how to jump. They need to learn how to use front brakes, though.

Climbing ‘the scar’. The kid gave it a great effort. I think it’ll be cleanable once we get some rain.

After singing praises of the Leviathan, I’m ready to do the same on the Behemoth.
Which bike is my favorite? Whichever I last rode.

Green, Bugs, Molino. Self-indulgent cinco de mayo / birthday shuttle ride. Then a late dinner at an empty but oh-so-tasty mexican restaurant with Paula. Hard to imagine better ways to celebrate…. being alive.
That trail looks like a lot of fun.