Hot Water to Milagrosa (?)

This is one of my favorite rides in Tucson, and it’s been too long. It’s a leg burner, so I brought the camera as an ‘excuse’ to stop and allow my heart rate to slow. None of the ‘moves’ are knock-your-socks-off difficult, but if you’ve got the strength to link them all, hats off to you.

Warm up on the pavement.

Unrideable (?!) staircase. Fortunately there’s a switchback around it, built for horses (and uphill cyclists), and it’s 100% rideable.

That’s a fun rock descent, on the way up. Plenty of breaks like this one, on the way from 2700′ to 4000′.

No cows in sight.

Everyone together… “ahhhhhhhhh… singletrack.”

Behemoth. No better bike for muscling your way up this trail.

Apparently someone thought someone was a twat.

I think he’s older than I am.

Trail name: gnat’s ass. The line be narrow as a…


Deer leg.

Yeah, it’s the place to be.

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