Back to the typical kind of challenge addressed in this diary – this AM, my brain was awash with ideas for what shall henceforth be known as the “Antelope Peak Challenge.” In broad strokes:
Ride from Oracle to Antelope Peak on the AZT, then head back on Willow Springs (dirt) Road, doing a ~lap of the 24 hour course
on the way.
A time bonus will be given to anyone that bags Antelope Peak (on foot, presumably). ~0.5 miles off route, ~400 vertical.
Bonus time, per lap, for anyone that does multiple laps on the 24 hour course. ~17 mile laps.
Time bonus for cleaning Bloodsucker wash without a dab. (Sandy, but rideable if you stay with it).
Distance (one lap of 24 hour course) = ~72 miles.
Food and post race fun at Casa Riviera, best burritos in the known universe.
I’m thinking sometime in Jan – need to figure out any conflicts. Chad has found a great place for the start/finish. It’ll be on the AES (Arizona Endurance Series) calendar.

(That’s Antelope Peak in the background)
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