I leave Tucson for a few months and several new trails have appeared, where only rocks, cacti and snakes dare trod before. It’s a tough life, having to go out and explore brand new trails.
The first was the ‘resort loop’ AKA Hidden Canyon trail in the Tucson Mountains. I believe my email to those behind it went something like “the world needs more trails like this one.” It’s a ‘hiking’ trail, in that the switchbacks are very tight. But the rest… you’d just have to see. I pinch flatted my Behemoth twice on one loop – (that’s a good thing). I did work two or three days on this trail, so I might be a little biased…

Next up was the 36th street entrance to the Tucson Mountains. Perfect design and implementation, I say. More singletrack in an area of the park sorely needing it. Speaking of purification (catharsis), there’s nothing quite like standing and pedalling for all you’re worth, with heavy guitars, drums and other noises assaulting your ears and associated viscera. Goosebumps and shivering – at 90 degrees. Overwhelming, visceral experiences can be like that – cleansing.
After a long period of not really riding with the Muvo (ipod like device), I’ve returned to it. There wasn’t really much choice in the matter, it came along whether I liked it or not. The latest tunes of choice: Porcupine Tree. Always liked them, but the latest output is very good, very powerful stuff. Ever since I was 13, carrying a giant Sports Walkman in my pocket, music has been a part of cycling in the mountains.

On Saturday, I met Tim M. (responsible for many of these new trails) and Jerry B. for a tour of the new Sweetwater preserve. It’s a small area, but it’s very close to the school where Paula teaches, so the trails are of interest to us. There’s one nicely technical existing trail, and the newly built one looks really good too. These guys do great work and it’s going to be a nice place to ride.
I finally have some approximation of ‘having my shit together.’ I finally sat down and downloaded over a month’s worth of GPS data from 3-4 devices. I know I ain’t got it together when I’m not downloading and doing analysis on rides. I finally got TopoFusion to compile (last minute CVS checkin caused all manner of conflicts). I finished unpacking from Colorado, I put slime tubes in my bike, and, most importantly, I’m getting out regularly to ride. None of these things are hard to do, or take much time, but other business and catching up prevented the simple things.
I no longer look at my shins with embarrassment. They are ‘nicely’ cut up [by brush/cactus/catclaw]. Not too bloody, but not too in tact either. Just right. I could hardly call myself a Tucson mountain biker with only a scratch or two. !
New trail exploration continues… next up is the elusive Bug Springs trail…
Enjoy. The Bug is awesome!