Author Topic: Unable to import TopoFusion TCX files into Garmin Training Center  (Read 4206 times)


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This is probably something really simple I'm doing wrong, but I can't seem to import TCX files saved by TopoFusion Pro 4.05 into Garmin Training Center 3.53. I have tried different tracks and different file names (e.g. numbers only, no spaces) with the same result. I cannot import TopFusion TCX files as either history or courses.

For example, if I export a ride from GTC 3.53 as a TCX file, import it into into TopoFusion Pro 4.05 and save under a different name, I am unable to re-import the ride into GTC. (I did try posting this message with a zip file containing two small example files, but the forum tells me that "The upload folder is full" and I can't see the post) Both GTC and TF are set to metric units and TF is set to UTM coordinates.

Anyway, the error message when I try to re-import the ride into GTC is as follows:

Garmin Training Center(r)
The file C:\Documents and Settings\Alex\My Documents\My TopoFusion Files\Mount Ainslie 20101111.tcx is an invalid history file and could not be opened.

I hope you can help. Thanks in anticipation,



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Re: Unable to import TopoFusion TCX files into Garmin Training Center
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2010, 08:44:51 PM »
Hmm, sounds like a problem on our end.  Must be peculiar to something in your file, maybe that you have power/cad/hr, or perhaps an odd comment in the a track name or something.

I just saved a TCX using 4.05 and it imported OK into TC 3.53.  But it was just a regular GPX file.

Can you email me the .tcx file that won't import?
Scott Morris - founder and co-author of TopoFusion


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Re: Unable to import TopoFusion TCX files into Garmin Training Center
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2010, 11:10:35 PM »
G'day Scott...

Thanks for getting back to me. I've just e-mailed you a zip file with a couple of TCX files - let me know (preferably via e-mail) if you need any more info.




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Re: Unable to import TopoFusion TCX files into Garmin Training Center
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2010, 08:50:46 AM »
Found the problem.  It looks like TC doesn't like a Cadence value of 255 -- which TF uses for "no cadence".  Since the original file doesn't seem to have any holes, it would seem that maybe you added some points somehow?  Not sure.

Anyway, it'll be an easy fix and will be present in the next version.  In the meantime you could open any TCX file up and do a search replace for <Cadence>255</Cadence> (change it to nothing, just delete).

Thanks for pointing this out.
Scott Morris - founder and co-author of TopoFusion


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Re: Unable to import TopoFusion TCX files into Garmin Training Center
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2010, 02:59:55 PM »
Thanks for getting onto that so quickly, Scott. I'll watch for the new build.

I'm not sure how some points wound up missing a cadence value, either. I didn't manipulate the path at all in either GTC or TF - I just opened it and saved it under a different name. I got the same result when I opened the TCX file directly from the Edge 705 history directory.

BTW: How did you know my 255 rpm cadence wasn't for real? ;)

