Author Topic: Openstreet Map Not downloading  (Read 6172 times)


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Openstreet Map Not downloading
« on: June 12, 2011, 10:22:44 AM »
I have been having problems downloading openstreet Map on my laptop. It works fine on my desktop - same internet connection. Can't quite figure this out. Other things still download on the laptop such as Topo and Landsat. Using 4.2, but tried rolling back to 2.1 just to see if that fixed it. Any others having this problem?



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Re: Openstreet Map Not downloading
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2011, 02:02:20 PM »
Open Street Maps (S) and all the newer maps tiles, MapQuest (A), Open Aerial (I), Open Cycle Map (Y) do NOT work for me either.  I have tried pointing to a new Map Data Cache directory thinking maybe a start clean would help, and still all the other tiles download fine, but these four (S,A,I,Y) show a check mark and the word downloading but never show up.  I'm really hurting for something that shows street maps. HELP!


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Re: Openstreet Map Not downloading
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2011, 06:34:44 PM »
Hey guys,

I am getting tiles on all of those tilesets downloading just fine, so the servers are OK.  A new map directory is a good idea to try, but not too likely the problem.

Firewall issue?  Only certain sites/IP's allowed?  Let's see, what else...

How about myTopo?  That's another new one that could be a clue as to what is going on.  All those new maps are similar in that they are in the same projection and using the same downloading code.
Scott Morris - founder and co-author of TopoFusion


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Re: Openstreet Map Not downloading
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2011, 12:00:07 PM »
MyTopo does not work either. It is clearly the new map sets creating the problem. I can't find any firewall settings that would be interfering so far. My desktop and laptop are pretty much configured the same, but the laptop is not allowing the downloads. Desktop is downloading fine. What do you mean by a new map directory?

Seeing that someone else is haveing a similar problem, there is probably some quirk out there that is causiig the problem. Oh, I might also note that my desktop is Win 7 and my laptop is XP.



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Re: Openstreet Map Not downloading
« Reply #4 on: June 19, 2011, 04:14:43 PM »
Hmm, I will try to think what could be causing only those tilesets to not download.  It is very perplexing.

New map dir: Options->Preferences->Directory for Map Data.  Change to a new/fresh directory then restart TF.  See if you have any better luck downloading those tilesets, and let us know the result.

Scott Morris - founder and co-author of TopoFusion


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Re: Openstreet Map Not downloading
« Reply #5 on: June 20, 2011, 03:08:59 PM »
Unfortunately, that did not do it. Thanks for checking.


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Re: Openstreet Map Not downloading
« Reply #6 on: June 20, 2011, 03:19:46 PM »
OK, next thing to try is some fresh settings, new topofusion.ini file.

To reset back to default settings, delete (or rename) the file TopoFusion.ini.  It should be here:

C:\Documents and Settings\*Your USER NAME*\Local Settings\Application Data\TopoFusion\TopoFusion.ini

Or for older installs:

C:\Program Files\TopoFusion\TopoFusion.ini
Scott Morris - founder and co-author of TopoFusion


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Re: Openstreet Map Not downloading
« Reply #7 on: June 25, 2011, 01:56:20 PM »
Deleting the .ini file did the trick. Thanks.


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Re: Openstreet Map Not downloading
« Reply #8 on: June 27, 2011, 09:24:43 AM »
Very interesting that fresh settings fixed it.  Any chance you have your old .ini file around so I can take a look at what might have caused it?  Thanks.
Scott Morris - founder and co-author of TopoFusion


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Re: Openstreet Map Not downloading
« Reply #9 on: June 27, 2011, 05:55:04 PM »
I'll send it to your e-mail. If you figure it out, I'm just plain curious now.


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Re: Openstreet Map Not downloading
« Reply #10 on: June 30, 2011, 08:18:31 AM »
Hey Scott,
Removing the ini file worked for me also.  I've made a lot of changes to the settings over the years and wanted to keep my settings, so I started poking around in the new and old ini files. What I eventually found was that in my old ini, use (DXT1) compression was turned off, and in the new one it was turned on.  So I brought back my old ini file and turned on the DXT1 texture compression and all the tiles are now downloading fine with my original ini file.  That got it working for me, so maybe the answer lies somewhere in the "use texture (DXT1) compression" setting.
Hope that Helps!!
Thanks Joe


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Re: Openstreet Map Not downloading
« Reply #11 on: June 30, 2011, 11:55:59 AM »
That does help a bunch, thank you for the sleuthing!  Looks like maybe .PNG tiles are not downloading if DXT1 is off.  I will have a look and get it fixed.
Scott Morris - founder and co-author of TopoFusion


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Re: Openstreet Map Not downloading
« Reply #12 on: July 06, 2011, 03:40:13 PM »
Yup.  The problem is the DXT1 setting.  Fixed in the next beta.
Scott Morris - founder and co-author of TopoFusion