Author Topic: Stretch, dilate, expand, shorten, etc. a track  (Read 1877 times)


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Stretch, dilate, expand, shorten, etc. a track
« on: March 21, 2011, 09:16:42 PM »
Sorry if this is a repeat, but I searched a bunch and didn't find any way to expand/contract a track to match a desired length.

FYI, the rationale is in trying to convert a gpx to a Computrainer course, the jittery GPS altitudes make the course impossible to do as recorded because of all the shifting required by grade changes. So I took an 1161 point course and reduced it to 80 and now the altitudes and grades look reasonable for a trainer ride. However the course shrunk from 12.5 mi. to 10.?. I'd like to get it back to the real length. BTW, Cycling Peaks Real3D has this feature. Their algorithm seems to take sharp corners and extend one segment so most of the track points stay in the same place. I realize the lat/longs would be wrong, but all that is really needed is that distance and grade work. An alternative would be some kind of extreme smoother for altitude, I guess.