Help! - I need to communicate waypoints from our searches to law enformcement in lat longs as opposed to UTMs. When I go to save the file as a csv file which would be the easiest way to get them the data [so I can put it into a written report] , it defaults back to UTM, even if I change my preferences to Lats/Longs. {we prefer to work in UTMs but our entire state law enforcement is set up on lats/longs in WGS 84}
Is there any way around this? All I want is tabular summary of waypoints, lat longs, and comments.
I can *see* them in the file properties box in lats and longs but it defaults back to UTM when I go to save and we are not going to be able to change an entire state over to UTM even though it is a much more sensible coordinate system.
Also, when I go to manually enter a waypoint is there anything I can do about the time - some of these show as 1969.