Author Topic: Combo tiles for Garmin custom maps  (Read 3042 times)


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Combo tiles for Garmin custom maps
« on: October 28, 2010, 09:45:51 PM »
OK, I got my Dakota in the mail today and am ready to start seeing what it can do. I went through the tutorial on creating custom maps to use on it and felt pretty good about the process. But in the drop down for tilesets when doing "Tiled KMZ", it looks like every option is there except Combo. Am I blind or is there just no way to use tiling with the Combo maps? By the way, is there a reason why the tileset dropdown menu can only be fully viewed if I keep the left-click button depressed?


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Re: Combo tiles for Garmin custom maps
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2010, 10:24:42 PM »
Unfortunately I just noticed another inconvenience. My primary area of interest is right along a UTM zone boundary. I had hoped that the tiled export would treat tiles from each zone separately when downloading them (in spite of the fact that this is not done during display on the screen), but instead I end up with a large number of blank tiles (using Topo 4 m). Even if it would just leave off tiles on the other side of the zone boundary when creating the KMZ file, at least that way I would not be wasting tiles toward the 100 tile Garmin limit. I would consider using MyTopo, but that only comes in one (2 m?) resolution for tiling which would significantly decrease my potential area to work with. It looks like the only work-around is to zoom into a smaller area that goes right up to the zone boundary, exporting to two separate files from each side while making sure that the total tiles of both add up to less than 100. I suspect there might still be somewhat strange looking results when the two custom maps are both activated on the GPS. By the way I considered the TopoWMS maps also, but they don't show up in the KMZ tiling options either.


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Re: Combo tiles for Garmin custom maps
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2010, 11:09:42 AM »
You are correct -- you cannot export combo maps to KMZ files.  I suppose I could simply choose a resolution and enable it, but it's a little tricky since any type of map can be combo'd with any other.  I'll think about it.

Regarding the dropdown, if you left click on it once, it should stay open and give you scroll bars to scroll through the whole list.  Does it not for you?

There's not much we can do about the UTM zone issue in the regular topo mode -- it is a lot harder to stitch them together than it may seem.  However, you *can* export TopoWMS to KMZ.  It's probably not showing up simply because you don't have it enabled in Window->WMS Custom Servers. Make sure it's checked, then reopen the "Export view" dialog and it should be there.  Hopefully that solved your issue!  Let us know.
Scott Morris - founder and co-author of TopoFusion


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Re: Combo tiles for Garmin custom maps
« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2010, 11:07:50 PM »
Yeah, I figured the problem with tiling of combo maps was related to predefined files not really existing on a server so that you have to actually create them. It would be nice to have someday though.

When I left click for the KMZ dropdown menu, it appears for a fraction of a second and then disappears. Not a big problem, but definitely annoying. This is on a Vista machine. Have not tried in 7.

Yes, TopoWMS is showing up now. Maybe it didn't show up until I had rebooted following enablement of the WMS server?

By the way, the Dakota worked great yesterday while hiking and geocaching. Thanks for the recommendation.