Author Topic: Automerging Garmin .tcx with Laps?  (Read 3538 times)


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Automerging Garmin .tcx with Laps?
« on: December 10, 2008, 04:20:16 PM »
Hi there,

I use the GOVSS feature to track and plan my running training volume, but there's a large inconvenience in the workflow I use as it stands right now.

I use Garmin trainging center to auto-download and organize my track logs, and export workouts as .tcx to analyze in Topofusion. I also use an autolap feature to get automatic 1 mile laps taken.

Unfortunately, a .tcx with laps taken appears to topofusion as a number of separate tracks within the same file. I can use the merge tool to connect them before analysis, but this is somewhat cumbersome for repeated loops or out-and-backs.

Could there be an option added to the merge tool to automatically merge multiple tracks within one file sorted by time? Or a detection routine that would merge on .tcx import if the files are seperated by only a single sample/few seconds?

Actually, another small annoyance is that the GOVSS analysis doesn't warn you if you're analyzing a file with multiple tracks, and returns info based only on the first track within that file. Took me a while to figure out my GOVSS numbers were only for my first mile of each run! '<img'>

Thanks for any input on this,

Ethan O'Connor


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Automerging Garmin .tcx with Laps?
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2008, 05:50:35 PM »
Thanks for the heads up on this.  There's a related issue with tracks from the Edge 705 after the latest firmware.

We'll come up with something to make it either auto-merge, or have a function to quickly merge stuff.
Scott Morris - founder and co-author of TopoFusion


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Automerging Garmin .tcx with Laps?
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2009, 08:57:50 AM »

The latest beta version has a fix for this.  Try it out at:

(registered users only right now) -- should be a full release soon.
Scott Morris - founder and co-author of TopoFusion