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Messages - camphill

Pages: [1]
Archived Support / Topofusin.msi ??
« on: September 07, 2006, 11:34:11 AM »
I upgraded to 2.95 and every time I start Topo I get a dialog box looking for Topofusion.msi and it wants to look in the C:\TEMP folder. It doesn't exist there nor anywhere else on my drive.  Should I uninstall/reinstall?

Archived Support / Color Ariels?
« on: August 30, 2006, 08:56:12 AM »
Thanks.  Where does Google get their images from? I assume they pay for them in some way and Topofusion uses Terraservers since they are free?

Archived Support / Color Ariels?
« on: August 30, 2006, 05:16:32 AM »
I see that some users have color ariel photos. Looking anywhere around the Pittsburgh area I only see black/white ariels. Is this dependant on what's available in my area or am I missing some setting to see color ariels?

Archived Support / Bike Ride wrong mileage
« on: August 11, 2005, 05:28:41 PM »
I just bought a Garmin Legend. I cleared all tracks/routes and proceeded to take a bike ride.  At the end of the ride my bicyle computer showed 19 miles ridden.  I downloaded the track from my gps to my pc and loaded it intoTopofusion. To my surprise Topofusion showed I'd ridden 38 miles. I've ridden this route many times and know it's 19.  Any ideas why Topofusion showed 38?

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