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Messages - ajmelin

Pages: [1]
TopoFusion Pro / Re: Splitting laps on 1 ride
« on: December 17, 2013, 10:09:08 AM »
Awesome, thanks!
All I had to do was cut the last segment of the 1st lap, and both laps play at once now in the multi-playback.

TopoFusion Pro / Splitting laps on 1 ride
« on: December 16, 2013, 12:11:12 PM »
I recently rode multiple laps for my team at Dawn to Dusk, and instead of resetting my GPS between them, I only stopped the timer so it's all 1 file.  I was hoping to split the laps so I could view them simultaneously during multi-playback.  Is there anyway to do this in TF?  I see that I can compare the laps in the 'lap analysis' but its all number data, and I prefer the pretty colors and moving dots.

Thanks, and as always- Awesome program!

TopoFusion Pro / Re: How to reverse a track
« on: March 19, 2010, 10:20:40 AM »
I guess I didn't stop to think about the time portion of it.  When I reversed it per your instructions, I get a message saying that the times are jacked up... Just like you said.
Oh well, I'll just have to ride it myself, could be much worse!

Thanks for the quick reply, and the how to on the reverse.

TopoFusion Pro / How to reverse a track
« on: March 19, 2010, 07:42:26 AM »
I've got a track from point A to B that I would like to reverse, so I can ride it from point B to A, and race my virtual partner.  Is there anyway to do this.  I don't just want to draw a new track, because I'll lose the ability to race myself.  Thanks.

Thanks for all of the quick updates, Were you in Sedona for the big rides Saturday?
I rode the BCT Sunday, and can't wait to look at the ride....

Ok kinda weird, I've got topofusion on 2 computers, a laptop and a desktop, both at home running off the same modem.  The laptop is the computer I am having probs with.  I'm on my desktop now and no issues with the color tilesets.  Both are running the exact same version 3.97, I downloaded them 1 after another.
Any ideas?

Must be a bug in the system... I'm getting the same message for maps in central Phoenix, and other areas.  Ones that I'm pretty sure Iv'e been at "color 0.003" before, and had no problem with.  I'm running the current version too.
I'm trying to copy Dale's BCT map to topofusion, for tomorrow's ride and can't. 
Oh well.
Still love the product

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