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Messages - mcfaddenlaw

Pages: [1]
TopoFusion Pro / Re: Garmin Astro proposal
« on: January 27, 2010, 02:53:42 PM »
Sounds like a plan.  Tracks on their way. 

TopoFusion Pro / Re: Garmin Astro proposal
« on: January 22, 2010, 02:28:52 PM »
Re: the new Beta. 

The thin black line is a big improvement.  Reduces the distraction factor to less than 3-5%.

I'd still like the distance number pegged somewhere else than on a track.  Reason is that dogs range erratically - sometimes on one side, sometimes on the other.  The distance number is often covering up the leading edge of the dog track so its hard to see precisely what the dog is doing.

Again,others may feel differently.

Would it help you for me to send you a dog/handler track that I'm using to test the beta so you can see how they interact with the new feature?  If so, just tell me where to send and how to upload.

THANKS again!  Told my unit members about the new feature yesterday and the panting (yes, the pun is intentional this time  ;D) increased.


TopoFusion Pro / Re: Garmin Astro proposal
« on: January 20, 2010, 10:47:15 AM »
For  me, anchoring distance somewhere else on the map is my preference.  The way I am currently using the multi-tracks for dog/handler is focusing on watching the changing dynamic between the leading point on each of the tracks.  While watching, I am rerunning the problem in my mind, often seeing on the tracks dynamics that did not register in the field.

So - for me anything that interfaces with the leading points can be distracting.  It may not be for anyone else. 

Again, I realize I can watch the multiplayback of the 2 tracks with no box checked, which allows me to simply observe the dynamic.  Then I can rerun with distance to capture that information. 

A thin black line might work.  I think its better than the highlighted one.  Again, I would like to see the numbers pinned to one of the tracks rather than in the middle.

Is there anyway to see the "thin black line" option in a beta?

Others may have completely different takes on this.

THANKS again!!! 


TopoFusion Pro / Re: Garmin Astro proposal
« on: January 18, 2010, 08:53:38 PM »
Thank you!  You are so fun to work with.

For me, doesn't matter which track you put it on.  I know which one is me and which is the dog.  May matter to others.

I would prefer the line not be there as it is distracting to me.  But others may like it.  Is there a way to make it "invisible" for those of us who wish while having it visible to others who want?

Is there any way to just pin the distance number somewhere else?  Or does it have to be on one of the tracks?

I think I need to learn more about the color options  for tracks.  Will play with that.

Thanks again.

TopoFusion Pro / Re: Garmin Astro proposal
« on: January 18, 2010, 05:06:01 PM »
LOVE the new option.  It works perfectly and provides very valuable information.

 Only thing I'm finding is that having the distance fall ON the line between person and dog is distracting.  Makes it hard to follow the two lines to see what is actually happening.  Any chance the distance number could be either (a) pinned somewhere else on the screen (i.e. a box that just keeps showing the distance between person and dog) or (b) put closer to the person so you can watch where the dog is actually going?   The line between handler and dog can also be a bit distracting.  I'm still figuring out how to put things in different colors so I have, e.g., me in red and the dog in blue.  With the line between us (now in yellow somehow in my setup), i'm  having  more difficulty following. 

But, as I realize, I can also uncheck the Man/dog box and just run the tracks in parallel so I can first get a sense of how the problem played out with my interaction with my dog and then add in the distance option on a second playback so I can capture that information.

A very valuable tool. THANK YOU again for your responsiveness. 


TopoFusion Pro / Re: Garmin Astro proposal
« on: January 14, 2010, 05:33:05 PM »
And I wasn't even intending that pun!   

THANK YOU!  We'll be waiting.  And I would love to be on the beta.  What do I need to do?


TopoFusion Pro / Re: Garmin Astro proposal
« on: January 14, 2010, 03:50:59 PM »
Scott - wondering if (a) you are planning on adding distance between 2 tracks as a parameter in running multi playback and (b) if you have any idea when it might be out?  I've shown the multi track playback to a bunch of our SAR K-9 handlers and everyone is panting to have that as an option.  Would be very helpful in training and analysis. 

For us either way works - single dog and handler or multiple dogs and one handler. 

THANK you for your responsiveness!

Monica McFadden

TopoFusion Pro / Re: Garmin Astro proposal
« on: January 02, 2010, 11:57:43 AM »
Yes. We normally are only trying to analyze one dog and handler team so adding distance between the 2 tracks as a playback option is the key. A multiple dog situation is more likely IMHO to be something the hunters who use the Astro might want. There I would think labeling one track as the human and assuming all others are dogs would work great. They'd be interested in distance away as well. 

THANKS for being so responsive. This is an awesome tool!

TopoFusion Pro / Re: Garmin Astro proposal
« on: January 01, 2010, 05:32:44 PM »
Spent some of the weekend working on this.  The multi playback function with the Astro meets a real SAR need - the ability to see precisely where the dog is in relation to the handler at any particular moment.

Now for wish lists:  It would REALLY help if the playback could show the distance between the dog and handler at any particular time - much as it currently shows speed, etc.  Is that doable?  By doing this, we could do such things as estimate the "standard" ranging distance of our SAR dogs, determine how far away they are when they make a find, etc.

Also, I would love a way to be able to easily measure distances between things.   For example, I need to check my tracks to see how wide my grids are on a search, determine how far the dog is from subject (not handler) when they make a find, etc.  Currently the only method I can find is to use "draw tracks".  Any other means I am not thinking of?

Thanks.  This is a major advance in our ability to understand what is happening with our search dogs!

TopoFusion Pro / Re: Garmin Astro proposal
« on: December 27, 2009, 04:01:21 PM »
Agree with this.  We use the Garmin Astro to track our Search and Rescue dogs and a method that allows us to see precisely where the dog is when the handler is at a specific point is precisely what we're looking for.

Also, how about a "dog" icon to distinguish the tracks.

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