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Messages - 42.cliffside

Pages: [1]
Archived Support / Fatal Exception Reseting D3D Device Failed?
« on: June 15, 2007, 12:14:30 AM »
I've as well been having the 3d view lock up on me lately ,and I'm not sure what if anything changed .. but the program just freezes with the blue bar half way every time lately ..

have to kill the process to get back .. esc won't cancel ..

not sure its anything to do w/topofusion -I might have just f'd something up ..

when i go to kill it its using 570mb memory.. tile cache set to 50% -312mb

freshly started with the approx same view it uses 93mb

Archived Support / A few Questions...
« on: June 14, 2007, 11:55:39 PM »
1. how exactly do you split a track into several short segments - several files...[want to cut at road intersections]

2. your .csv output,  whats that layout called? its not a poi csv, having a hard time finding a tool to convert directly to this same style [XYZ values all in meters from a datum] from a .gpx file without knowing what its Actually intended for... ':p'

3. the topo maps and aerial photos are not quite lined up, is there any way to modify this? [doubt it since you just download whats there right?]

I saw your posts about merging tracks and reversing tracks .. very very useful!! thanks!

Archived Support / .KML file input errors
« on: May 12, 2007, 05:00:47 PM »
one question:

When you export a gpx to csv are the units in feet or meters? is there a option to change that anywhere?

found my answer..
did some experimenting and found that the units preference affects the output to the csv as well .. that was easy ,just not documented =P

Archived Support / Leave the "moderator approved" message up longer
« on: May 12, 2007, 11:24:24 AM »
barely saw it - half a second? here...

Archived Support / .KML file input errors
« on: May 12, 2007, 11:23:21 AM »
I am trying to import these .kml files - they view fine in Google earth, but when i try to import them into topofusion they are all over the world the actual track is invisible and the length reported is off by many thousands of Km ... strange?

i am trying to get a 10m reolution elevated .csv file outta this data ultimately - still have to downlod the DEMs but first need to see the track!!

looked up some stuff while posting this and:

i was able to convert the kmls to gpx with

and then imported that .. and that worked fine so i got my data but thought you might want to know about the weird kml import

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