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Messages - tedrusky

Pages: [1]
Archived Support / Log Book Entry
« on: September 08, 2005, 09:37:44 AM »
Thanks for the great program.  I have now purchased it and am converting all of my former MapSource files into TF.  I have a couple of questions regarding the logbook.

1.  Is there a way to get summary data for a specific type of activity?  For example, If I bike and ski in the same month, can I pull up summary data just for biking?  I have noticed that when I enter details into the logbook, "activity type" is one of the entry details.  Is this for my use only, can it be used to sort or is it a plan for the future?  I imagine I  could create 2 logs as described on the multiple log book section of the TF website.  

2.  Is there any way to enter a trail with no time data into the log book?  I have a file that I saved to my Etrex Vista as a saved track.  My GPS compressed the waypoints and removed time data.   I see that I can enter a "non GPS entry".  However, I can't seem to link that entry to the GPX file so that I can load it from the log book.  For example, how would you add the TF sample tracks to the log book if you know the date that they occurred?

Archived Support / Merge follow up
« on: August 20, 2005, 05:16:44 PM »
Thanks Krein.  I love this program.  Any way you look at it, it is easier than MapSource.  While using that program, I manually had to cut and paste to create a finished track.  The merge feature after the initial download in TF solves that problem.  And after that, TF provides all the details I could imagine of the track!

Archived Support / Merge follow up
« on: August 18, 2005, 02:07:17 PM »
I originally posted this question in the previous topic and am now posting it as a new topic just in case.  

I have a follow up question.  Is there ANOTHER way to merge a track?  For example, I have a ballon loop track that is divided into about 25 different segments due to poor satelite recpetion.  Using the shift/merge feature is difficult since I need to zoom in to see the departing and returning tracks and it isn't clear which is which.  

When I initially download the tracks from my Etrex Vista, I am given the choice to select, merge, and remove tracks which works great.  Is there any way to access these options after  I have exited the intital download window?

Archived Support / track merging
« on: August 18, 2005, 11:33:10 AM »
I have a follow up question.  Is there any other way to merge a track?  For example, I have a ballon loop track that is divided into about 25 different segments due to poor satelite recpetion.  Using the shift/merge feature is difficult since I need to zoom in to see the departing and returning tracks and it isn't clear which is which.  

When I initially download the tracks from my Etrex Vista, I am given the choice to select, merge, and remove tracks which works great.  Is there any way to access these options after  I have exited the intital download window?

Archived Support / Can you import info from MapSource?
« on: August 18, 2005, 08:24:41 AM »
Thank you!

Archived Support / Can you import info from MapSource?
« on: August 17, 2005, 05:56:29 PM »
First, let me say that this is an amazing program and the trial version is a great way of promoting it!  I wouldn't have believed it.

I have an Etrex vista and have saved all of my tracks on the MapSource software over the last 1.5 years.  Is there any way to transfer this data to TF?  So far, the only idea that I have is to upload them back onto the GPS (which will compress the files) and then download them back to TF.


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