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Messages - whamblen

Pages: [1]
Beta Testing / Tracks auto merged now??
« on: May 09, 2006, 11:38:32 AM »
Just FYI, I've got a Forerunner 201 and with 2.86 I get every track point split.  

I'm 90% sure this wasn't happening with the version I had before.  But I may be a bit befuddled because it did happen back when I first registered (2 years ago) and then (I'm pretty sure) was fixed for the longest time.  But I haven't used Topofusion since last fall so my memory could be faulty.

Beta Testing / Tracks auto merged now??
« on: May 09, 2006, 11:38:05 AM »
Just FYI, I've got a Forerunner 201 and with 2.86 I get every track point split.  

I'm 90% sure this wasn't happening with the version I had before.  But I may be a bit befuddled because it did happen back when I first registered (2 years ago) and then (I'm pretty sure) was fixed for the longest time.  But I haven't used Topofusion since last fall so my memory could be faulty.


The GPX specification allows for a <cmt> field within a <trk> - which is already accessible in Topofusion by right clicking on a track and choosing Edit Track Information.  Would it be difficult to have Topofusion put the total track length there (e.g. "4.1 miles") instead of leaving it blank by default?  I've been adding it by hand when I use the gpx files elsewhere (e.g. overlaying them on googlemaps) and it's very handy not to have to recalculate the track length.

Still love the program and recommend it to people.  As always, thanks!

 - Bill

Beta Testing / Beta 2.11 Released
« on: September 28, 2004, 04:12:02 AM »
I'm not seeing this behavior... the cross hairs match up in both speed or pace mode for me.  I can't think of what might be different in our setups.  Maybe send me the track you are using?  Or post a screen shot?

I just looked at a few of my other tracks: 2 show no labels at all on the y-axis, 1 is correct, and the first still has labels that are inconsistent with the "readout" from the cross-hairs.  So I should probably send you one or more of the offending tracks so we can see if it's something about my installation.  Is there an email address for that or something else besides pasting it into the web forum?

Beta Testing / Beta 2.11 Released
« on: September 27, 2004, 05:01:02 PM »
As for the profiler, I still plan to work on it further.  Specifically, some sort of smoothing (for both Grade and Speed plots) needs to be done.  I'm not sure how the smoothing will work (where the settings for it will be), but it will definitely be adjustable and have the ability to be turned off.

I've only just started playing with the beta so maybe I am missing something.  But the y-axis in the profiler seems to be labeled incorrectly when set to speed.  It looks qualitatively correct and is consistent whether options are set for pace or speed.  But, for example, when the crosshairs are on a spot that reads 7:32 minutes per mile (8.0 mph) it's at the tic mark labeled 12 minutes per mile (5 mph).  

The lap analysis stuff already looks terrific and the changes you're contemplating sound even more cool!

One suggestion/question.  I'm used to seeing pace graphs inverted from what Topofusion is showing: i.e. 4 minute mile closer to the x-axis than 8 minute mile.  Speed graphs I'm used to seeing the way they are presented: 15 miles per hours is higher than 7.5 miles per hour.  Am I weird or is do most people agree with me? How difficult would it be to invert the graph when people (runners I guess) choose pace?

Archived - Feedback and Comments / Forerunner
« on: September 22, 2004, 03:57:05 PM »
I am working on a new feature -- "lap analysis" that will do what you're looking for.

We are also making the profile tool plot speed (and pace), not just elevation.

Excellent.  And in case you don't hear it enough, :-), great program!

Archived - Feedback and Comments / Forerunner
« on: September 20, 2004, 09:03:01 AM »
If there could be a way to right-click on a given track and pull up a screen, just a basic grid really, that broke the track down into equal segments, that would be very cool.  I would use 1 mile, but having that be user-configurable would be nicer.  For each segment, show the duration, the pace, and the elevation change.  Maybe show cumulative time as well.

Have the developers thought about this lately?  I too would love to see lap times at mile marks.  That, and the pace graph, is the only reason I ever use the Garmin Logbook anymore.

Archived - Feedback and Comments / Keyboard shortcuts
« on: May 19, 2004, 03:30:24 PM »
Take a look at our (in progress) new manual that includes all of the keyboard shortcuts:

Beautiful!  That's exactly what I wanted.

I'd also like to see track point number or some way to correlate the two other than by clicking on a single point.  We'll think about how best to do it.

Good enough - thanks.

BTW, I've been reading the old postings and if I were to rank my wishlist then exporting areas larger than my screen would be at the top of the list.  In particular, some way to export all the tiles necessary to fit a particular route into one picture at the highest possible resolution (1M for Aerial and 2M for topo) would be fantastic.

Thanks again for a very useful program.  We have a site license for ArcGIS at work and I started playing with it and decided there simply had to be something better for what I needed.  There is - TopoFusion.  :-)

 - Bill

Archived - Feedback and Comments / Keyboard shortcuts
« on: May 18, 2004, 05:50:56 PM »

I just registered Sunday night - what a terrific program!

I do have a couple of questions/suggestions.

Is there a list of keyboard shortcuts?  In particular I would like to be able to select different tools without mousing up to the menu bar.  I'm using TopoFusion on my laptop and it's pretty tedious with a trackpad.

For "cleaning" GPS tracks it would be nice to select a range of trackpoints in the list under file properties and have those same points be highlighted on the map (and vice versa).  It works for clicking on single point in the list but last night I wanted to delete large sections of a track which is easy in the list but I needed to see which points they were on the map.

Equivalently, if there were some way to see trackpoint numbers on the map I could see the ends of the section I want to delete.  Maybe a tooltip-style popup when the mouse pointer hovers over a trackpoint?

Again, great program and thanks.

 - Bill

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