« on: June 13, 2005, 09:10:01 PM »
You may be on to something here that might be a "nature of the beast" thing that goes along with GPS tracking. I tried the reverse segment and it gave me a straight line in a different spot. Let me distill it down to a simple example that would be similar to how I might track. Maybe there's a different way for me to track it or maybe there's a different way for the software to merge it.
Let's say there's a square trail that I'm tracking. The bottom leg we'll call "A" and going clockwise the left side is "B", top is "C", and right is "D". Camp is at the bottom right corner of "A" and "D".
On day one I leave camp and go left to track leg "A"...the bottom leg and go back to camp.
On day two I start at camp and go up and track leg "D" and "C" and then go back the same trail to camp.
On day three I go back out leg "A" and continue to segment "B" and follow a trail that shot out from the side of leg "B" that went out for a mile and stopped so I had to come back the same trail to join back up to leg "B" and to finish leg "B". I go back leg "B" and leg "A" to camp. Now the entire square is tracked from these 3 days along with the offshoot from leg "B".
I download these tracks to TF and want to join them in one contiguous track. Is that possible?
This is essentially what I have been trying to do. When I use the Profile Tool and/or Make Network I end up with straight lines from that offshoot back to some other point on the square or straight lines from a point from Day One to a point from Day Two etc.
Should I only be using the Profile Tool in this case instead of the Make Network? Or, is there some better way to track this. In short, I'm trying to use these 3 different days to effectively create one trail map/track of the forest I'm tracking.