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Messages - brentb

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TopoFusion on other OS - Mac / Linux / TopoFusion working on Mac OS X!
« on: April 24, 2008, 09:28:04 PM »
I just saw in Metzen's post above that he tried TF Basic with VMWare Fusion. I just tried this combination, too, and it works very well.

Rendering is smooth, and I don't see the graphics lag/tile corruption as with TF Pro.

For now I'll use the Basic version.

TopoFusion on other OS - Mac / Linux / TopoFusion working on Mac OS X!
« on: April 24, 2008, 09:15:08 PM »
It's been a while since I've posted, but I've been using TF for a few years, albeit less so since migrating to a mac.

Last year I tried VMWare Fusion with TF and was very impressed with how well it worked under emulation on my Macbook Pro. Unfortunately, I don't remember the version combination of VMWare and TF used then.

I am presently running TF Pro 3.32, under XP SP2, on VMWare Fusion 1.1.1. In Fusion, 3D acceleration is enabled.

The problems I see are:
* delayed rendering. The view isn't always updated when zooming with the mouse scroll wheel, for example. Or moving with arrow keys, or grabbing & dragging.
* eventual tile corruption. After manipulating the display "a bit", tiles are no longer displayed correctly. It looks like the graphics emulation gets tiles/textures mixed up.

With 3d acceleration disabled in fusion, TF doesn't start (no D3D Device).

I'll look to see if I have any older versions of TF around. I'll also try the Basic version and see how that works.

Beta Testing / Texture Filtering is Point after 3d
« on: February 04, 2004, 08:39:03 PM »
My machine has the nforce2 chipset, with onboard Geforce4 MX video, so the buffer size is configurable (32, 64 or 128 MB) at boot.

You nailed it -- I had inadvertantly left it at 32MB, and when bumped to 64MB the return to 2D had filtering.

Beta Testing / Texture Filtering is Point after 3d
« on: February 02, 2004, 06:56:13 PM »
Good job on the 3D work so far!  I like how the elevation for the target dot is displayed, as well as having the rendered GPS track on the ground as well as wireframe.

After viewing 3D and switching back to 2D, it appears texture filtering is set to POINT instead of LINEAR or BILINEAR.  The result is a pixellated ground.

Here is a GIF image to show it:

Beta Testing / Other SDTS Sources
« on: February 02, 2004, 06:16:56 PM »
If any fellow Texans read this, the Texas Natural Resource Information Service (TNRIS) makes 30m DEM data available on their web site, in old DEM format (non-SDTS). Their interface is also very easy to use:

I've just started looking for similar organizations in other states; post up others here.

(I originally said 10m.  It's really 30m.)

Archived Support / Error downloading from TerraServer
« on: January 10, 2004, 10:00:20 AM »
Quote (patrickclemensen @ Jan. 09 2004,9:00)
... Only problem is I don't have internet access on the second machine.  Is there any way to download a section of maps or photos and use it offline?

Are both computers on a network?  If so, you can copy the map index and data files generated by TopoFusion to the machine without internet access, and just disable map downloading.

Depending on how big your map data file is already, various ways could work (local network, CD-R, 1.32e6 floppies, zip drive, etc).

On the troubled machine, is any other program using or attempting to use the serial port?  I'm thinking of things like PDA software.

Archived Support / Weird quirk uploading to the 'Active Log'
« on: January 06, 2004, 09:44:33 PM »
.... but you can have as many tracks as you want and the breaks between tracks will not be shown as connected.  You can use this to upload a large network of trails, as a map, to your GPS.

Thanks for sharing this trick.  It will come in handy on complicated networks.

Archived - Feedback and Comments / Remove Redundant Points
« on: January 06, 2004, 09:30:47 PM »
I think that a button/checkbox to denote "Just remove duplicates" is the best approach.

Good points on the value of keeping these duplicates, though.  For your research, duplicates marking stops may occur repeatedly at various locations.  Places like overlooks, hilltops, etc, which may, for parks people, be predictors for park features like campsites, tables, etc.

I've been working on some code to process GPX files to do a few things I want.  In the course of pondering duplicate points with timestamps, one solution is very easy.  For a given set of points close enough to be duplicates, they are replaced with one point whose timestamp is the median time from all the points in that set.  While this preserves total distance and time, it does mess up the adjacent segments' speeds...

Fun stuff!

Anyway I'll try both the simplify and network on this problem and see how well they work.  (GPSBabel simply isn't working on this!)

Archived - Feedback and Comments / Remove Redundant Points
« on: January 05, 2004, 09:33:46 AM »
On most rides, I set the GPS to record track points every four seconds.  This is producing very detailed but not ridiculously large tracklogs, with the caveat that any pauses in the ride get covered with numerous redundant points.

Is there any way to remove these redundant points with TF, besides manually deleting points?

I haven't tried the segment simplification yet (and the concern with this is losing desired detail elsewhere in the track log).

Archived Support / Known Issues - track color in 16/24 bit color
« on: December 22, 2003, 09:08:00 PM »
One thing I've noticed is the structure of the GPX file affects this.  I don't recall having problems prior to 1.52.

Repro in 1.52:
0. GPS= Garmin 12XL
1. Download new GPS track log to TopoFusion.  TF draws trail black.
2. Look at .GPX file.  Each point is in it's own (trkseg) element.
3. Using a text editor, strip out all the extra trkseg /trkseg tags.
4. Restart TF, it now renders trail in the correct color.

Does TF have any heuristics in finding breaks in the track log, such as looking at times or unexpected gaps in the time or distance?  Since the 12XL stores only 1024 points, I often stop and restart the track log to get only the trails sections I need.  Could this affect the additional trkseg tags?

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