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Messages - rdtompki

Pages: [1]
TopoFusion Pro / Help with DEM elevation data
« on: June 15, 2009, 06:11:34 AM »
I must be doing something fundamentally wrong in trying to experiment with DEM data.  When I load a tcx or GPX file, change DEM parameters and hit "Add Elevation to Track" I don't see any change in the "Climbing Elev." field on the summary line.  Is the DEM data actually being loaded, but this field doesn't get recomputed?  I've got Data Source set to DEM and am experimenting with Minimum Gain and such.  The Presets field is set to "TopoFusion".  Dem Source is Download/Cache, force SRTM.

Rick Tompkins

TopoFusion Pro / Logbook enhancement
« on: June 01, 2009, 07:52:05 AM »
Scott, any chance in a future version of adding an additional field to the logbook for those of us who use TF for multiple activities?  In my case I ride both a tandem and single and my wife rides a single as well.  Would like to be able to display and summarize rides according to these flags.  I realize the logbook is stored in a CSV so it wouldn't be difficult to use Excel to sort on the first few characters of the notes (Tandem, Single, etc.).  Maybe I'm just being a bit lazy here.

Rick Tompkins

TopoFusion Pro / Maximum Speed
« on: May 18, 2009, 02:24:24 PM »
I'm running Beta version 3.65 and find that the max speed that appears in the summary is considerably in excess of the actual.  My GPS reports 28.5 mph or so and when I profile speed based on the scaling Topofusion appears to agree, but the max speed in the summary is 49.4 mph?  I also noted that version 3.61 computed 47.7 for the max speed.  I'm running my Garmin 705 on smart record mode if that makes a difference.  Have Autopause set for 3 mph.

Rick Tompkins

TopoFusion Pro / Multiple Tracks from Garmin 705 tcx files
« on: January 18, 2009, 09:05:35 PM »
Thanks.  It's kind of cheating not to count the pausing (on my part), but you can hardly help stoplights and such.

TopoFusion Pro / Multiple Tracks from Garmin 705 tcx files
« on: January 17, 2009, 04:41:47 PM »
I'm using the TF demo version until my pro version arrives.  My Garmin 705 .tcx files when downloaded are broken up into several tracks (for example, a 32 mile ride consisting of approx. 500 points).  There is a merge function in the documentation, but I can't get it to work.  This appears related to a multi-lap problem described in another thread.  If similar is there a fix in the works or is there a limitation to the number of points allowed in a track?

Rick T

Pages: [1]