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Messages - aaron w

Pages: [1]
TopoFusion Pro / Re: Elevation comparisons between Edge and eTrex
« on: October 15, 2011, 08:32:02 PM »
I'm surprised by how far off the distance is for the 2 files over just a 10 mile sample.  9.2 miles for the vista vs 10.5 for the edge.  Of course when I zoom in on the 2 tracks I can see where the difference lies...the file for the edge just looks more real. 

If the eTrex were set up to capture points more often, what would the downside be?  Would doing so consume more battery power?

TopoFusion Pro / Re: log book erased
« on: September 27, 2011, 05:54:11 PM »
Oh, by the way, I've gotten this TF error msg a couple times recently while creating log entries:

Run time error '9':
subscript out of range

TopoFusion Pro / Re: log book erased
« on: September 27, 2011, 05:36:29 PM »
It looks like my data is gone.  I found the TFlog.csv in my TF main folder.  I can open in with works (I don't have excel).  When I open it I can see the column headers for miles, time, etc but there is no data there. 

I suspect my problem has nothing to do with Topofusion.  My virus checker picked up a bunch of stuff in a scan today... No biggie, I can recreate what I lost since I've still got all the actual gpx files. 

One feature I think would be kind of cool would be to have custom fields in the activity drop down menu.  In my case I would like to spec which bike I used for each ride.  Then I could easily sort data according to each bike and know for instance how many hours riding time I have on a shock since it was last serviced.  Kind of anal, I know.   Thanks for your help. 

TopoFusion Pro / log book erased
« on: September 26, 2011, 05:38:39 PM »
I recently started using the log book feature.  This evening when I went to access the log book all of my entries seem to be gone and the log book is empty.  Any ideas as to what happened?

Not sure if it's related but this morning my computer crashed and TF was open at that time. 

TopoFusion Pro / Re: topofusion and vista hcx
« on: April 20, 2011, 06:04:22 PM »
Scott, thanks a lot for your fast response.  Well after much experimentation I've got things working again. 

When I've wanted to upload/download I have on my vista hcx been going to setup and then to interface to "connect" the unit to the computer.  I think this is my problem.  For some reason that works fine for downloading tracks from the gps but not for uploading tracks to the gps from TF.  Now I don't hit "interface" at all and I can simply upload/download tracks. 

I hope you don't mind if I ask a few more dumb questions.  Next up I'm confused about elevations in track profile and climbing analysis (I've read the user manual) but I'll save that for later!

Thanks again, Aaron

TopoFusion Pro / Re: topofusion and vista hcx
« on: April 19, 2011, 07:17:13 PM »
Oh boy I would really appreciate some help with a problem I'm having.  I can't upload tracks from tf to my unit.  I've been able to do this in the past, but not now.  I can download tracks from my unit to TF, but once they are in TF I cannot upload them back. 

I'm not sure what has changed.  For example when I first got my etrex I was immediately able to upload the track for the CTR, now I can't do that anymore. 

I'm getting 2 error msgs when I try to do this:

No valid garmin usb devices found, removable drives found, but none with requires GarminDevice.xml file.


error initializing com/usb port.  check for other programs using port and that the device is connected and turned on.  If you are using a gamin gps unit you may not have the usb drivers installed......then an address of where to install drivers which I have tried. 

Any advice is much appreciated.  I understand that this is very likely not a TF issue.  Thanks, aaron

TopoFusion Pro / topofusion and vista hcx
« on: February 23, 2011, 01:36:11 PM »
Just got TF and a garmin vista hcx.  Do I need to install the software that came with the unit ("garmin trip and waypoint manager)?  Or will I just be doing everything with TF?

I've love the TF software so far!  Thanks, Aaron

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