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Messages - jeffreyptr

Pages: [1]
Feature Requests / Re: Command Line Options
« on: January 04, 2011, 10:23:53 AM »
In searching the forum and help file, there doesn't seem to be any command line options built into TF.  Two that I can think of that would be handy for me, at least, would preset the dirs that TF looks into for maps and tracks on startup.  If each track dir had a "track.idx" or some sort of track list that contained the active list, that would allow seamless switching from one map task to another, with everything set up from when you last left it.  Something like:

topofusion.exe /m=c:\My Documents\My Topofusion\CA /t=My Documents\My Topofusion\bike\shasta\

There are doubtless other parameters that could be useful.

Thanks for TF,

Great idea. I second this suggestion. :)

TopoFusion Pro / Re: File Information, Time/Date greyed out
« on: January 04, 2011, 10:23:10 AM »
You can't, sorry.  If you want, you can try editing it in the GPX file itself, but there's no functionality to read/convert that string in TF as of yet.


Thanks for the info. I am having the same issue as the OP. I wish there was a way around this, but anyway I can live with it. :)

Jeffrey Petersen Junior

Pages: [1]