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Topics - mtbguru

Pages: [1]
TopoFusion Pro / Remote Desktop and TF
« on: September 01, 2010, 08:02:53 AM »
I don't have a (working) PC at home anymore and I seem to have the following choices:

- use virtualization (e.g. Winbox) on my Mac and run TF in it
- remote desktop login to my work pc and run TF

The first option works, but is slow, and the second one gives me the 'Can't initialize DirectX: setD3DDevice failed!' error (the work PC is Windows XP with all latest service packs/patches/DirectX versions installed), upon which TF refuses to launch. Physically logged in on the work PC, TF (v4.00) runs fine, so I assume the DirectX stuff just doesn't work over remote desktop (though I did do a search on this forum and one old post came up where it seemed TF did run over it).

Should I just live with the slow virtualization, get a working PC or is there something that I missed that I could try to make the remote desktop work? (or, stay longer hours in the lab to scheme up new mtb routes ;)


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