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Topics - Rick Kunath

Pages: [1]
Beta Testing / 4.12 OpenAerial Batch?
« on: May 17, 2011, 04:06:48 PM »
Are the batch download commands in for OpenAerial? I looked and don't think I see selections for the new tileset yet?

One oiher thing I noticed, I had one OpenAerial tile that just would not load. No amount of lrft-clicking on it with batch mode selected as usually works, would get it to load. Perhaps it's not there?

Anyway, so far, extremely happy about the new tileset :)

Beta Testing / Beta - 4.12 Keyboard hotkey for OpenAerial?
« on: May 16, 2011, 03:15:10 PM »
The new OpenAerial maps are just spectacular. I'm going to enjoy this new additition immensely, thank you.

Could we have a keyboard shortcut for this layer please?

Like the C for color or B for black and white, M for MyTopo, T for topo, etc.

That would make switching to the new maps easier.

Thanks in advance and keep up the great work.

Beta Testing / Blank white Color tiles - Beta 4.01
« on: September 07, 2010, 05:21:12 PM »
I recently had to do an OS reinstall and loaded the latest Beta (4.01) fresh and am re-filling the map database.

Using the color layer, (MSR is enabled), I am seeing some oddities. Sometimes the tiles will load, but most of the time all I get is a blank white tile. Not the check-mark downloading tile (these check-mark tiles appear first and then change to the blank white tile), just a white blank tile. Clicking with the tile reload tool does nothing to load the tile correctly.

Topo, MyTopo, Black and White, and the Utah alternate tile sets load fine.

I was loading tiles in the Moab Utah area.

Any idea what's going on with the blank white tiles for the color tile set?

TopoFusion Pro / TF 4 stopped downloading tiles
« on: July 09, 2010, 08:36:18 PM »
I'm not sure what might have happened, but tonight TF 4 stopped downloading tiles. Topo, Color, B&W, Utah alt, Landsat, anything. Previously laoded tiles display correctly.

Tjhis is XP fully updated and was working fine. WHen TF fails to download I see it hang after closing in the task manager as not responding. Not sure if that has any relation to what is going on. The load tiles button is depressed on the toolbar.

I don't know where to go for ideas as to figuring how to determine why the tiles are suddenly failing to load.

Ideas appreciated.

Beta Testing / MyTopo/Color and MSR Topo/B&W layer registration?
« on: July 03, 2010, 08:36:28 AM »
I'm not sure if this belongs in the Beta forum, I just registered today and an using the newly released 4.0 version, which I am assuming is a permutation of the last beta. I hope to be testing the beta releases too, so I will contribute when I can.

I am noticing a layer registration issue that seems odd. I was looking at a fairly close zoom of a portion of Canyonlands National Park's southern boundary in the Cathedral Butte area. What I am seeing is that the MSR topo maps and the black and white aerial photos line up perfectly when you switch between them. Also the color and Utah alternate color aerial photos line up perfectly with the MyTopo maps. But if you switch between the MyTopo and MSR topos you get a jump in the display, the same is true for the black and white and color aerial photos.

There are points in the map that do line up, but in watching the aspect ratio, it seems as if the color and MyTopo layers are somehow distorted by being zoomed in the horizontal direction. Vertical alignment seems darned close. The central point alignment on the screen of the layers is close, very close, but as you get farther from the center point in the horizontal direction, the registration errors get worse. Vertical seems darned close across the layers.

At first I thought this had something to do with the rectangular shape of the MyTopo maps, but they show the same way on their web page as they do in TopoFusion. And the color layer behaves this way too.

I'm using a 20-inch high-end Viewsonic 4:3 aspect ratio LCD monitor driven by a fairly high end nVidia card via DVI and the latest drivers.

I attached a few waypoints to show the issue.

Loving the new 4.0 release.

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