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Topics - guney

Pages: [1]
TopoFusion Pro / Y-axis scaling issue when displaying grade profile
« on: March 25, 2008, 01:26:26 PM »
I have just downloaded and installed the demo version of TopoFusion Pro (v3.31). By the way, I've been looking for a tool just like this for weeks! Thank you for the excellent job you've done on this piece of software. I'm sure I'll be purchasing a full license soon.

There is, however, one glitch that I've noticed: In the Profile dialog, when I set the Y axis to display the grade, the scale of the Y axis is not adjusted to fit in the highest and lowest points in the dataset. Consequently, some parts of the graph are cut off.

Here's an example:

In that screenshot, the cursor is at a point on the graph where the grade is shown as 16.7%, but the Y axis does not seem to go above 10%.

It also works the same way in the opposite extreme:

In this second image, the cursor is at a point where the grade is -22.6%, but the Y axis bottoms out around -10%.

I'm not sure if this is happening because the Y axis is simply hard-coded to display a 10% to -10% range at all times, or whether an auto-scaling computation is failing for some reason. If it's the former (with some kind of reasoning like "if the extremes are fully included, the average parts of the plot would be too flattened to show enough variation"), I hope I'm not alone in thinking that having something like a scaling control for the Y axis would be welcome flexibility, allowing a more inclusive picture when desired.

I've also seen the same problem when plotting "pace" in the same dialog. It seems to work fine for speed and elevation, though I don't know if that's only due to the fact that my data happens to fall within any hard-coded boundaries in either of those cases. (I haven't tried the other variables; my dataset doesn't have those.)

Is this a bug? A known limitation? Or am I missing something?

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