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Topics - gnewt42

Pages: [1]
TopoFusion Pro / Custom WMS Server Question
« on: December 04, 2008, 08:00:31 PM »
Greetings -
I'm trying to load MassGIS data into TopoFusion via the custom WMS server list and keep getting an invalid URL. The URL seems to work ok when hand-coded into a browser so is something perhaps being rewritten by TF?  The parameter string that I'm passing is: geoserver/wms?VERSION=1.1.1&LAYERS=massgis:GISDATA.IMG_COQ2005&FORMAT=image/jpeg to server I'm using the MassGIS format data as explained at

cheers ... '<img'> gn

Feature Requests / Tweaks
« on: November 23, 2008, 11:12:08 AM »
I've been teetering on the edge of purchasing TF Pro for quite some time now but just can't quite ween myself off of Delorme Topo yet. A few more features would have me using TF as my sole mapping and logging program:
- add a draw layer for annotations, shapes and lines. Having to go to another program to markup the map is just too timeconsuming. I like it all in one place.
- permit the drawing of multiple track segments without having to click-save each one. The extra dialogs make drawing complicated trail networks with short spurs really painful.
- a Google Earth/Google Maps API. I know this has been discussed quite a bit on the list. It's getting harder and harder to beat those free guys out there ...
- better pixel smoothing and interpolation of map images at high zooms. A feature that really stands out in programs like Delorme and Mappoint is the ability to still be able to read street names at the highest zoom levels. I believe they store the street layers as independent text but even flattening some of the heavy pixellation at high zooms would be helpful.
- normalization of profiles. When printing and publishing profiles, I like to have all of the scales set the same in order to avoid exaggeration and so that profiles from different trails and courses can be more readily compared.
- a little more sophistication in the training log. While I realize it isn't TF's core competency, it's sure nice to have in one place. The best example that I've seen so far is by SportTracks - but they're still lacking a bit on the mapping and drawing implementation.

Keep up the good work ... and thanks ... '<img'> gn

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