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Topics - garrett63376

Pages: [1]
TopoFusion Pro / Downloading Maps - Batch
« on: May 07, 2013, 02:41:55 PM »
I'm a TopoFusion newbie so be gentle with me.

I checked out TopoFusion a few weeks ago and pulled the trigger on the Pro version last night. My hope was to be able to download enough map data to make TopoFusion useful while I'm bicycling through Utah, Arizona and California this summer. I'll be spending much of my time off the grid so having local data was the selling feature for me.

After a pretty much fruitless 24 hours of trying to download map data, though, I'm beginning to doubt TopoFusion is going to work out for me. I don't think it's necessarily a TopoFusion problem, though I've had a number of miscellaneous freezes and crashes, but the public domain map servers seem pretty weak.

Case in point, I selected a region of Utah for download, used the default selections in the resulting dialog and I'm getting data at a whopping 8-16 kbps. Given that the relatively small area I selected will require nearly 4 1/2 GB of data, I'll be back from California before this one download finishes. My internet connection is great, I just downloaded a 2 1/2 GB ISO image from Microsoft in about 20 minutes, so I doubt the problem is on this end.

So the question is, is this normal?
Is there another source for map data, free or otherwise, that TopoFusion can use and that I can download in a reasonable amount of time.

Any help/suggestions would be most appreciated. 

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