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Topics - mountainmak

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Archived Support / support for Forerunner301?
« on: February 02, 2005, 07:25:57 PM »
I have used TF w/ my forerunner201 for the last year (demo, then purchased the great tool). Now that my wife has taken ownership of my 201, I decided to upgrade to the 301.

Unfortunately, I cannot download tracks into TF. I am guessing the heartrate data is confusing TopoFusion, and I get corrupted data. It sees the dates, but the trackpoints seem to be invalid.

Any chance on adding support for this device?

I have a painful workaround where I use a utility to pull the tracks out of the FR301, and saves the gpx files, then I can import into topofusion. It would be nice if Topofusion could support the device directly.


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