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Topics - Bentley

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Archived Support / Elevation profile questions
« on: January 10, 2005, 03:54:47 PM »
I recently came across this product, and thought I would try the demo version first to see if I liked it and so forth. I do a lot of running in the country, and while tracking distance for me is not a problem I am curious about elevation profiles during my runs. I do not run with a GPS.

In any event, I manually mapped one of my simpler runs to get a feel for the software, and then became curious about the elevation changes. I soon found out about downloading DEMS and all of that business from searching this message board.

I think I have done everything properly. There seems to be 2 DEM files needed to cover the area in my run based on the boundary co-ordinates. I downloaded these, ran them through the STDS2DEM.EXE program, made sure they were in the proper folder, etc. Still when I try to do a climbing analysis on my route, it keeps saying the track covers missing DEM files.

Is it because I'm using the Demo version of topofusion or is there something else that I am missing? Also, if I do get this working and register and purchase the product will I get more up-to-date maps? The road maps are very out of date for my area.

For reference, I pulled the Dems from this location:

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