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Topics - jmstacey

Pages: [1]
Beta Testing / Beta 2.77
« on: January 06, 2006, 08:13:00 PM »
I haven't download and tried it yet, but is the nudging tool that is in v2.77 move the entire map or just a tile.
If the entire map, that could be a problem for areas that are in the right place...

Archived - Feedback and Comments / New Combo Options
« on: April 23, 2005, 02:27:28 PM »
With the semi-recent additions of the LandSat and Urban tilesets, some way to toggle which aerials to use instead of the original aerials would be an excellent addition. The Urban 0.25 is quite stunning I thought.

If there is already a way to do this, let me know  '<img'>

Archived - Feedback and Comments / Managing Map .dat files
« on: March 15, 2005, 12:48:05 AM »
Unfortunately, I'm still rather living in the dark ages and have limited memory on my laptop, making which maps I choose very important. Is there any chance of getting a feature integrated with TopoFusion or a seperate application to manage the map .dat files?

For example, it would be nice to seperate different levels of maps as well as topo and aerial for specific regions, and so on and so forth.

I know this is a little out of the way and if it's not possible, could release some kind of specs for the .dat files so other developers might be able to make a 3rd party manager?

Any chance of getting better waypoint management in the near future? Right now it's rather cumbersome when doing some tasks.

For example, a sortable waypoint list by distance from a certain point, or by type of waypoint.
Perhaps making the windows on the bottom of the screen customizable or change depending what mode your in. That way you can double click on a waypoing, TF will center on it in the map and there won't be the properties window obstructing the view.

Send single waypoints to the gps without creating a temporary file or having to remove all waypoints except the ones you want. Right click on "Send to GPS" would work nicely.

Features that integrate nicely with geocaching and benchmarking (more than a new benchmark symbol). Things like custom waypoint symbol mapping for GPS's that support it.
Full compatibility of gpx files, such as integration of GC logs with TopoFusion's (input/editing etc.) (The found, did not find, notes logs....) Built-in viewer for geocache information.

If you included a geocache manager, then filters to sort through the cache's.

There could be a good share of market to expand and include tools like this.
The biggest competitor in that arena is GSAK ( The only thing it lacks is downloadable maps, and track management.

Just some ideas   '<img'>

Archived - Feedback and Comments / Feature Request: Elevation Profile
« on: January 17, 2005, 08:30:55 PM »
Now that elevation data can be obtained automatically, do they contain enough information to create an elevation profile before hand?
This would be a great feature for planning trips and calculating estimated difficulty and pace beforehand. So you can see what your up against.

Beta Testing / Beta 2.16
« on: January 07, 2005, 10:15:53 PM »
When in 3D Mode you can can manuever below the horizon which causes the screen to go black with a single greenish colored pixel in the center. Randomly manuevering will eventually get you back above horizontal. Perhaps the lock so that you can't go below the horizon or something would be in order.

Feature request: How about the zoom in/out function work for the tile that is currently being used in the 3d mode?

Beta Testing / 1.65 Bugs and Suggestions
« on: March 06, 2004, 11:51:54 PM »
Went on a rode trip, and decided to load TopoFusion on my laptop and take it with me, so most of these problems/suggestions refer to the Live  tracking portion..

1. Suggestion: The ability to keep a log on the computer while your in live tracking mode instead of having to download the tracks from you gps when the memory has filled up (Would be more acturate logging on the computer to because there isn't a limit to the number of bread crumbs that can be used.

2. Suggestion: In the live tracking details box, it would be nice if the latitude and longitude were displayed in the format you chose in preferences instead of utm (I believe thats what it is)

3. Bug: TopoFusion causes a fatal error when trying to close the program after using live tracking and sometimes when starting or stopping. I can give you the error report, just need to know what you need. The one winxp produces?

4. Bug: During Live tracking mode the "Center Map on Position" feature does not work as expected. Instead of continuosly keeping the map centered it only centers it when I try to move the map

Just a question:
How is the est. Error calculated? For me at least it never goes below 50ft accuracy even though my gps reports that it has around 8ft accuracy (waas)


Archived - Feedback and Comments / Public Trail Databases
« on: December 19, 2003, 07:32:04 PM »
So whats the progress on the development of trail databases? Is that what the Tucson Mnt Project is all about (preperation for the dbs?)


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