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Topics - Brian

Pages: [1]
Feature Requests / Another Feature Request
« on: October 28, 2005, 03:06:30 AM »
A couple of things that would improve the photofusion portion -

1.  Ability to see/preview the linked photos when you click on the camera icon in topofusion.

2.  Ability to delete a photo-track link by right clicking the camera icon in topo fusion. Perhaps other right-click options for the icons too - view photo, view geocoord and date/time, add a label, etc.

3.  Ability to have thumbnails of the photos on the left or right side and when you click the photo it will highlight the icon associated with it.

I know... a tall order, but as long as I am dreaming....

Even without these desired features, TOPOFUSION ROCKS!!!!


Pages: [1]