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Messages - gpsbjorn

Pages: [1]
Beta Testing / Re: Beta 4.06 - many changes
« on: December 27, 2010, 05:59:36 AM »
Just a quick note...

b4.06 seems to run stably on my system(s), which is pretty nice because at this moment that means that

- it works under Windows 7 Pro 32bit, running as a VirtualBox Guest, under Ubuntu Linux 10.10 x64

- it works under WINE 1.2 (with MS DirectX 9.0c as of spring 08) running directly on Ubuntu 10.10 x64, no virtualized PC. Performance seems "native" to what I would expect if I was running Win 7 directly.

I've noticed one "quirk" with this environment, less-so under the WINE environment but still present, is that if I resize the map-area in any way then the track that is drawn on-screen loses correlation to the underlying map. In 3D Geek Speak I'd think that one of the transformation matrices is now inconsistent.

Closing and reopening TF cleans this up, until the next time the display is resized.

Since TF appears to support remembering of "maximized" state by recreating the window non-maximized and then maximizing, this means I can't EVER just have TF "maximized" as the display will not be correct. I had to manually drag-size the window appropriately to get the largest possible map draw area - my PC only has a 1440x900 display so pixels are precious.

With the VirtualBox client there is another artifact, but I attribute that to screwy Direct3D support within VirtualBox and don't think anyone on your end of the 'net should spend cycles on it.

More testing will come this week. :^)

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