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Messages - Fasterhorses

Pages: [1]
TopoFusion Pro / Re: Network with 2 tracks
« on: October 19, 2012, 02:39:34 PM »
Hello Scott,

Such an easy fix and such a great software you have developed.

Thanks again,
Don Huston

TopoFusion Pro / Network with 2 tracks
« on: October 14, 2012, 09:12:22 AM »
When I try to make a network I get a nice average track for 2.3 miles and then TF fails to combine the last 0.3mi so I end up with 3 tracks. How can I force TF to combine the last 0.3mi??


TopoFusion Pro / Re: Transfer Maps to New Install ?
« on: August 17, 2012, 11:45:55 AM »
Thank You Scott.
It worked.

TopoFusion Pro / Transfer Maps to New Install ?
« on: August 16, 2012, 09:45:16 PM »
My drive is corrupt but still runs. I have a new drive with a fresh install of WinXP. I have a lot of maps downloaded into my old TopoFusion on the corrupt drive.

How can I transfer those maps to my new install of TopoFusion?

Thanks for any help,
Don Huston

TopoFusion Pro / Sandy Footing
« on: June 11, 2012, 04:31:14 PM »
Running in sand is a real PITA.
Is there an option in the Difficulty Index to account for difficult footing?

Don Huston

TopoFusion Pro / Re: Strange File Conversion
« on: April 25, 2012, 08:53:25 AM »
That would be great. Your software has always been the "gold standard" for me. It has always opened gpx files that MapSource balked at and then I would do a "save as" back to gpx and that would fix whatever was wrong.

I have a suggestion.
After I stitch a bunch of gpx tracks together I use "save as" to tcx and TF fixes the timestamps using the year 2005. Then I use GPSBabel to move the time to some newer date that I need. Many times the move is more than 2000 days which is the limit for Babel so I have to do the move twice. If you could keep the base date at 4-5 years behind the current year then it would always be within that 2000 day window.

I have solved the 10 second interval from TF by filtering my trackpoints at 80-90 feet apart. That way I get the approx speed of 6mph that I want.

I recommend TF a lot. I hope it brings you some customers in this crappy economy.

TopoFusion Pro / Re: Strange File Conversion
« on: April 24, 2012, 09:14:15 PM »
Thanks Scott,

Now I might be able to fix the next one if it happens again.

Don H.

TopoFusion Pro / Strange File Conversion
« on: April 22, 2012, 08:17:17 AM »
Here are 2 files. The one without the "a" is the original. The one with the "a" was run thru some software (not by me). Both files will open in MapSource and show the track and all data. TopoFusion will open both files but the one with the "a" has no track or data. That has never happened before. Can you tell me what is wrong with the "a" file that makes TopoFusion show no data?

TopoFusion Pro / Re: Fabricated Timestamps
« on: September 29, 2011, 09:52:12 PM »
Hello Scott,

I am leaving in the morning for a 50 mile endurance race. I will explain my problem when I get back on Tue. Thanks for such a great software, I use it a lot.

Don Huston

TopoFusion Pro / Fabricated Timestamps
« on: September 28, 2011, 09:23:07 AM »
Is there a way to change the default 10 second interval on the fabricated timestamps?
If I make a 100 mile track using 1000 trackpoints x 10sec = 10,000 sec = 2.78hrs giving an average speed of 36mph. That is not possible as a runner.  :o
If I could change the interval to something else like 70sec then I would get an average speed of 5.1mph. Much more reasonable.  :)

Thanks, Don Huston

TopoFusion Pro / Re: Avg Power From Run Analysis
« on: March 10, 2010, 12:33:15 AM »
Thanks for clearing up that mess I made on the Garmin forum with those power numbers. I really have no concept for power since I am not the athlete, my horse is.  ;D

That gain upward adjustment on that bike track was strange. All my tracks with my 705 recorded on the horse always adjust down, less gain.

Don Huston

TopoFusion Pro / Re: Avg Power From Run Analysis
« on: March 09, 2010, 06:04:11 PM »
Thank you Scott.
So then the calories are also not correct for a bike run?
I have been recommending TopoFusion to some bike riders. Is there a way for them to use TF?
It is working great for training my horse.

Don Huston

TopoFusion Pro / Avg Power From Run Analysis
« on: March 09, 2010, 10:44:40 AM »
I zipped down the tcx file and attached it. I hope I did it right because it does not show in the preview window.

This is a bike run, not mine, that I put into TopoFusion, Run Analysis, used 80kg for weight and got average power of 655w and gain of 4396 ft. Then I corrected the elevations and got a gain of 6827 ft.

That gain correction does not seem right. Also I do not understand the power number. Someone told me that 655w was nonsense. Am I using the program incorrectly or what? Thanks for any help.

Don Huston

GPS, Trails, Training / Re: Free Topo Basemaps - 40' contours!
« on: February 16, 2010, 11:40:29 PM »
I have downloaded and installed several of these topo maps including one for Calif. Is there a way to select them for use in TF? Thanks,

Don Huston

TopoFusion Pro / Gain Smoothing or Correction?
« on: October 26, 2009, 01:49:37 PM »
Hello Scott,

Are you going to put in some code (similar to what MotuionBased did) to smooth or correct the elevation fluctuations? I'm using my 705 on 1sec intervals because it makes a great track on these crooked horse trails I'm mapping but the raw gpx data shows 10-20 foot spikes in the elevations sometimes and with 1500 points in 3mi of trail the gain is way off and also screws up your nifty "difficulty & effort indexes".

I have some files you could look at but they are too big to attach here. 140-170KB. If you are interested give me a way to send them.

Great product tho and I'm going to buy the Pro version real soon.

Don Huston

TopoFusion Pro / Re: New Member With Software Questions
« on: October 24, 2009, 09:36:37 AM »
Hello Scott,

I found the online manual and your explaination of "difficulty & effort" indexes and it answered almost all my questions. What great tools especially for rating Horse Endurance Races with your "difficulty index".

The explaination did not mention the max numerical limits of each, is there one?

In theory, on a closed course (start and finish back at the start), would the "difficulty index" be the same going in either direction?

Don Huston

TopoFusion Pro / Re: New Member With Software Questions
« on: October 24, 2009, 12:59:06 AM »
Hello Scott,

I'm liking your program more and more. I finally got my Edge 705 and recorded a couple tracks and loaded them. The variety of analysis is great. I noticed a "Difficulty Index" and "Effort Index". What are the limits of each and what data is being used to determine difficulty and effort? Thanks,

Don Huston

TopoFusion Pro / Re: New Member With Software Questions
« on: October 07, 2009, 04:29:03 PM »
In the main program I looked at "Lap Analysis". It had data up to "Stopped Time". The HR and Cadance and Power had "No Data". When I opened the csv file the 2nd to last column was "Stopped Time" and no columns for HR, Cadance nor Power. Then for some reason there was a new column "Elevation" which seems to be the sum of the start elev +gain -loss at each lap. Do I just add 2 columns after "Stopped Time" for "Avg HR" and "Max HR"? What does the "Elevation" column do? Thanks,


TopoFusion Pro / Re: New Member With Software Questions
« on: October 07, 2009, 03:28:39 PM »

I installed a DEMO copy of your TopoFusion and loaded a 13 mile training ride that does not have heart rate. I exported a csv file of the ride and opened it in excel. I have avg HR from my FR50 for the same ride. Can I manually add the HR to the csv? How? Will it load back into TopoFusion or RaceDay? Thanks,


TopoFusion Pro / Re: New Member With Software Questions
« on: October 07, 2009, 02:45:53 PM »
Hello Scott,

I sent an email to David (missed Phil) at and asked about measuring horse fitness and he is looking into it. I'm thinking about buying the Garmin 705. Is that a good unit, are the bugs worked out? Thanks,


TopoFusion Pro / Re: New Member With Software Questions
« on: September 26, 2009, 10:43:30 PM »
Well there are over 6000 members in the AERC (horse endurance racing organization) and many of us ride with HRM's and GPS's. Currently there is none, as in zero, software that can be used to estimate the fitness of a horse or show the improvement in fitness when run multiple times over an endurance training loop. There are similar large groups in the UK and Australia so you might be first into the gold mine which could be a good thing in this economy.

I realize some of the output numbers for a horse (like watts) might not be really correct (you add a disclaimer) but the "change" in watts between runs on the same training loop would be correct and would be a great indicator of a "change" in the fitness of the horse. Right now horse riders just have data. Gain, Distance, Time and HR and quite frankly looking at raw data tells me nothing about fitness.

I vote you whip up some code and let a few of us horse types test it out then park a dump truck under your PayPal account to collect the money.  ;D

Thanks for your help,

TopoFusion Pro / Re: New Member With Software Questions
« on: September 26, 2009, 09:47:34 AM »
Hello Scott,

Thanks for the quick reply.

The FR50 tcx file would have only HR and Time. I do not use the Footpod on the horse. It does work and can be calibrated, sort of, but it cannot take the punishment from dirt, rocks and brush. That's why I use the GPS for speed, distance and gain.

So I need to convert the tcx file to csv and then the software will combine it with the gpx file. Is that correct?

I read some reports on this software and they mentioned an "offset" function that lets the user correct the time on one file to match the time on the other file and then combines the data based on matching the time. Did I read that correctly?

Thanks for your help,

TopoFusion Pro / New Member With Software Questions
« on: September 26, 2009, 02:15:59 AM »
I have a Garmin GPSMAP76S and a Forerunner 50 with the HRM attached to my horse. I use it for endurance training the horse and the ocassional race. I have never recorded the HRM data because I could never combine it with the gpx files.

Will the FR50 record a tcx file that can be combined with the gpx file using this software?

Can I enter the weight of horse+rider and get power?

Can the new combined file be uploaded to MotionBased?

Thanks for your help,

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