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TopoFusion Basic / Re: similarity to AllTopoMaps v7 software?
« on: April 27, 2020, 04:30:01 PM »
Thanks very much Scott, I appreciate the quick response!
Best regards, stay well!

TopoFusion Basic / Re: similarity to AllTopoMaps v7 software?
« on: April 27, 2020, 12:44:59 PM »
Wow, thanks for the quick reply!

My use for ATM has mainly involved printing out on paper, various work area topo base maps (based on 1:24000 scale maps but at various scales and sizes up to 50" by 36"); showing drill sites, approximate claim boundaries, and other waypoints and tracks; and at times, creating cleanly seamed portions of adjacent quads using their "BigTopo" feature.
None of it is terribly complicated, but I was particularly interested in a possible "BigTopo-like" function for joining portions of adjacent quads, and the ability to make various scales and large-format sizes of paper plots of the maps, and of course waypoint/track functions.


TopoFusion Basic / similarity to AllTopoMaps v7 software?
« on: April 27, 2020, 10:26:00 AM »
Does anybody know the degree of similarity of Topofusion to the now-unavailable AllTopoMaps software? I had that one for many years but now have to find a replacement.

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