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Messages - Maty

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GPS, Trails, Training / Win a free copy of TF!
« on: May 15, 2008, 02:37:11 PM »
My hard training... run with good friend

Greetings from Cheb - Czech Republic - Europe.

I have to try it... There are only TWO ride reports, so I CAN win the free copy of my favourite GPX files viewing software - TopoFusion  '<img'> ! At least the european category ':p' !

The story and training happened on 23th April 2008. My good friend Milan was looking forward to try Prague International Marathon (PIM). He is very good sportsman and his training was this day almost at the TOP. So I asked him to run together and he answered: "I'm going to do a SHORT trail... OK, I will be happy to run with someone!" His goal was the top of Zelena hora (Green hill) , which is not high, but the trail isn't short and easy - I use to ride almost the same way on my MTB!

I wanted to try the new geotagging feature of TopoFusion 3.32 and compare with other tools (for example So I took my GPS and camera too. As you can see - it wasn't a SHORT trail, but very nice one! And what more - there is an contrast / difference between: services - online (not always good), without average- and max-speed, nice photos included click here;

MapMyFitness  - online, without pictures '<img'> , but the altitude profile is attached  click here;

TopoFusion  - good to use it offline, not only with pictures, but with ALL the information about the track / trainig - I like it (but there is still the DEMO sign on it - so I have to win  ':p' to see it clear and open more than 3 files), click here.

After 1:20:51 of running it was enough... But I was really satisfied with this afternoon - GOOD TRAINING, CLEAR HEAD, A LOT OF PICTURES in my map (on right places even in offline mode). The average speed wasn't bad - 10,1 kph / 6,3 mph - with climbing elevation of 554 m. I felt not so good the second day... this was my first long run this year (yes, this is a long trail for me in the beginning). My friend was without problems not only this day, but also on 11 May in Prague - he did it!

So one more thanks for this great training tool - I'm using the DEMO version very often to see my workout and to log it - like the TopoFusion Log Book very much!

Greetings from Europe to all again!
Have nice days and ENJOY YOUR SPORT WITH TOPOFUSION - You can't forget the trail, when You see and save it!

Your glad user
Libor Matousek

As You can see below, I'm not using, but also writing about TopoFusion and publicize it as often as I can  '<img'> :

GPS, Trails, Training / Win a free copy of TF!
« on: May 15, 2008, 02:13:09 PM »
Just tryiing...
... my trail report? COMMING SOON  '<img'> !

L.M. - Cheb, Czech Republic, Europe  '<img'>

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