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Messages - saturnine

Pages: [1]
Archived - Feedback and Comments / Google Maps
« on: April 05, 2005, 08:30:06 AM »
Google added hi-res color satellite imagery to the service! There is a faint Google watermark but otherwise the quality and coverage are great.

I'm itching to have TF use this service ...

Archived - Feedback and Comments / Google Maps
« on: February 13, 2005, 07:53:20 PM »
It would be fantabulous if we could also choose a street map tileset, such as Google Maps.  Don't know anything about the terms of use, though.

See Mapping Google

I need to produce a detailed, printed map of a long trail.  I would like to be able to choose File-Export View but specify that the view should be exported using, for example, 4M tilesets instead of the displayed 256M. Then I can use Photoshop to slice the resulting large image into sections for use in a trail guide.

Otherwise I have to diplay the 4M tilesets, export them individually, tediously join them back together by carefully aligning them, then slice that into sections. Ugh.

Archived Support / Garmin altitude download
« on: February 08, 2005, 05:30:50 PM »
Sorry for the multiple posts, I kept getting a server error. Thinking it was something in my post, I changed some things and tried again not realizing it was actually getting posted.

Archived Support / Garmin altitude download
« on: February 08, 2005, 05:24:02 PM »
When I download a track log from my eTrex Vista, what altitude am I getting?  Is it the GPS or the barometric elevation?

Presumably the barometric altimeter is more accurate, so if it's the former is there a way to change it?

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