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Messages - Coke

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Archived Support / Exporting track statistics
« on: April 08, 2007, 10:08:33 PM »
Thanks for responding.  

For the future exporting the stats would be a very nice touch.

Right click on the file in the active list and choose "Export Stats".  This would just go to a text file of your choice.

Also, exporting stats in bulk would be very nice.  

i.e. If I have 3 tracks loaded, then exporting all stats for all 3 tracks in one operation would be very nice.

Thanks for listening.

Archived Support / Exporting track statistics
« on: April 03, 2007, 05:19:15 PM »
Hi, I am wondering if TF can export track statistics.
TF does a wonderful job of calculating:

Length, Moving Time, Climbing Elev., Avg. Speed, Date, Max Speed, # Points, Total Time, Stopped Time, Uphill Time, DownHill Time, Flat Time, Uphill Dist, Downhill Dist, Flat Dist., Uphill Grade %, Downhill grade %, Descending Elev, Difficulty Index, Effort Index, Pace, and Path to file.

I would like to know if TF can export these vales?

I know I can run a lap analysis and export some stats, but it is not as complete as the list above which is viewable in the main screen in the lower window pane.

If TF can do this, how? If not I guess this will become a feature request.


Archived Support / Question with Elevation Gain - Yes I read HelpFile
« on: April 03, 2007, 04:12:16 PM »
Thank you for your detailed and through explanation.  It helps immensely!

Your contribution in these forums is a huge credit to TF.

Thanks again.

Archived Support / Question with Elevation Gain - Yes I read HelpFile
« on: April 01, 2007, 08:31:34 AM »
Thanks for responding.  The unit has the latest firmware and other hikes that I have done when loaded into TF appear to be fairly accurate.  

This last hike I was doing had an incredible amount of boulder hopping, ups and downs for hours.  I am wondering if all that jumping around somehow whacked the stats.

Something else I find puzzling about this...

My GPS has a "Trip Computer" which I reset prior to going on the hike.  Upon arrival at my car it reported 7890' of total Assent and 16.3 miles of travel.

How then when I analyze the track in TF it gives that wildly inflated value?

Thanks for your help and I hope I don't sound critical of TF. TF is the best analyzing software I have ever seen for track data.

Archived Support / Question with Elevation Gain - Yes I read HelpFile
« on: March 31, 2007, 09:13:42 PM »
I have read the “The TopoFusion Climbing Analysis Dialog” Help page.  I have also searched the forums which I found helpful.

I do have a question about a elevation gain/loss relating to a recent track that I made out while hiking.

My question is… Why is the Straight GPS value so crazy?  I hiked in the desert and my max elevation was 5748.

Here is what I get when I run the “Climbing Analysis”
No DEM (elevation) data, use Download DEM Data button.
TopoFusion:       21401 ft
Straight GPS:       26365 ft
Straight DEM:           0 ft
Maptech:           0 ft
TopoUSA:           0 ft
Custom Algorithm:       21401 ft

These values seem insane to me.  I know my Garmin 60CSx barometric sensor was correctly calibrated recently, albeit not in the desert.

While, on the “Climbing Analysis Window” I clicked on “Download DEM Data for track”, then I made data source: DEM, and set minimum gain to:1 (meter) and here are the updated results:
TopoFusion:       21401 ft
Straight GPS:       26365 ft
Straight DEM:        7209 ft
Maptech:        3074 ft
TopoUSA:        7209 ft
Custom Algorithm:        6675 ft

This value of 6675 seems reasonable to me based on my experience for that day.  I did those adjustments based on a recommendation of another forum member.

Here is a link to my data if someone wants to take a look and provide some help.

Link to my Track Data

You may need to do a "right-click save as" on the link.



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