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Messages - rjcarlson49

Pages: [1]
TopoFusion Anouncements / Pro Version 3.05 Released
« on: May 21, 2007, 09:42:17 AM »
I'm logged in now, so you can find my email if you need it.

Bob Carlson

Archived Support / Downloading Track from Vista C no workie
« on: January 27, 2005, 11:56:23 AM »
Thanks for the quck response here.

My considered opinion as a software developer myself is that USB still sucks.  Every USB device I use has quirks.

I noticed another strange issue.  On the tracks I did manage to download earlier, I have some altitude values that are absurd.  Is there a way to edit them short of editing the xml file?

I have a LOT of suggestions BTW, which I will post in the appropriate place.

Cheers, Bob

Archived Support / Downloading Track from Vista C no workie
« on: January 27, 2005, 11:50:55 AM »
Just saw this relevant post:;t=86

In it you suggest that the problem is intermittant.  It isn't with me.  I tried several times, including rebooting and different sequences of powering up and connecting the Vista C.  Same result each time.

A few weeks ago I did manage to upload some tracks, but I have no idea what I did differently.  I might have done this while I was still using the free demo version.


Archived Support / Downloading Track from Vista C no workie
« on: January 27, 2005, 11:43:03 AM »
My Vista C won’t seem to download.  I start the Download, selecting Tracks only and unselected "log" and "follow on map".  I am using USB to a laptop.  Laptop supports USB 2.0.  The download seems to work fine.  I can see the track appearing on the map in the background.  At the end, the GPS shows "Transfer Complete", but TopoFusion says an error has occurred in communication and to check Preferences.  I have version 2.1, downloaded from your site about 2 months ago.

BTW, I sent this message several days ago to and am disappointed to have received no reply.

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