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Messages - PeteCresswell

Pages: [1]
Archived Support / Endless Hourglass?
« on: January 18, 2005, 05:50:32 PM »
Happens with more than one rez combo, but I just now tried to switch from TOPO 16m to TOPO 8m and now I've got an endless hourglass.   I'll have to use TaskManager to kill the app.

Something to do with my internet connection?  I'm on dialup at 42k....  

I've done quite a bit of work in TopoFusion without this problem occurring - but I can't document exactly when it started or precisely what provokes it....except as above.

Anybody else?

Archived Support / How to build on an existing 'Track'?
« on: December 03, 2004, 05:51:03 AM »
re/Arrow keys:

This thing is *really* useful.   I hope you make a bundle on it....

Archived Support / Function of <trkseg> ?
« on: December 02, 2004, 06:19:57 PM »
To better my understanding.... what's the intent of having separate <trkseg>'s instead of just having all the <trkpt>'s under one <trk>?

Archived - Feedback and Comments / Wish List:  Remember 'GoTo' requests
« on: December 02, 2004, 06:17:51 PM »
Quote (Krein @ Dec. 01 2004,9:54)
One good way to navigate around between different areas is to simply have trackfiles or waypoints at that area.  Load up the file, then double click on it on the active file list to go directly there.

Aha!   I think it's finally dawning on me why I don't want *everything* in one file....

If I really wanted tb cute, I guess I could create dummy trackfiles with just a single way point in each to take me where I want to go.

Archived Support / How to build on an existing 'Track'?
« on: December 02, 2004, 09:01:24 AM »
Quote (Krein @ Dec. 01 2004,10:01)
I'm not sure why you want to have multiple tracks in a file?  The general design in TopoFusion is one track per file, for a number of reasons.  

One, perhaps more legitimate in the context of the application's intended use, reason to draw tracks incrementally is screen size.

Since the user cannot scroll the screen while drawing a track, they must save a segement of same before returning to the "Hand" curser and scrolling the screen to draw more of the track.

Archived Support / How to build on an existing 'Track'?
« on: December 02, 2004, 08:15:35 AM »
>I'm not sure why you want to have multiple tracks in a file?  The general design in TopoFusion is one track per file, for a number of reasons.  

Got it. ....  Now I know.  Thanks.

>Now, if you're trying to draw a track incrementally, you can draw different pieces, saving to individual files, then use the profile/merge tool to connect them all together, in order, and then save as.. to a new file.

Sounds like the functional equivalent of my copying/pasting <trkSet> blocks.   I'll give it a try.

 Drawing a track incrementally is exactly what I am doing. However I can also readily envision multiple tracks in a single file.    As I alluded to in the op, I'm aware that I am probably abusing (or at least mis-using) the product.    

The product's power to me is in marshalling various types of maps - at no cost to the user - and tying them together via Lat/Long references.     One can envision a number of uses in that context above and beyond recording a hike or bike ride.

Thanks again.

Archived - Feedback and Comments / Wish List:  Remember 'GoTo' requests
« on: December 01, 2004, 06:11:49 PM »
For me, remembering the last GoTo request and presenting it in the dialog would be a signigicant help.

The brass ring would be to add a new submenu to 'GoTo': GoTo|WayPoint.   Then a combo box could be populated with waypoints and the user could just choose the one they needed.

Maybe I'm mis-using TopoFusion, but what I find myself doing is slowly building up tilesets of various areas around where I live.  

I then reference various tilesets to map out bike rides.  Understood that there's really only one tileset in Maps0.dat....but conceptually, I think of different sets as they are clustered about various geographic points....hence the desire to remember 'GoTo' requests by name.   Then the user could hop around their area at will - without having to recall and type sets of Lat/Long numbers.

Archived Support / How to build on an existing 'Track'?
« on: December 01, 2004, 05:06:17 PM »
I've been incrementing an existing track by using the Draw Track tool, but every time I try to save, it requires me to save a new .gpx file.

Seems like I'm missing something in understanding how the app works.   Intuitively, I would expect that once I open a .gpx file, all changes that I make will be applied to that file.

Understood that when I open up TopoFusion, it automagically opens up all .gpx files in the designated "Default Tracks Directory".    But then I can "remove" undesired track files via the UI in the pane beneath the map.  After "removing" all except one file, it seems like I should at least have the option of saving TrackSeg increments into that file - as I can with WayPoints - instead of being forced to start a new file.

Right now, I'm going with the flow and saving to a new file.   Then I open up the new file with NotePad and copy the new <trkseg> into the file where I really want it.

Seems like I'm missing how to cause an incremental <trkseg> to go to one of the open files - as I am currently succesfully doing with WayPoints.


Archived Support / Long clocks, then 'Application Not Responding'?
« on: December 01, 2004, 09:23:11 AM »
I'm getting a *lot* of these - especially when moving from one topo size to another as a result of rolling my mouse's wheel.   In the end, I have to kill TopoFusion via TaskManager.

Anybody else?

Dialup connection.   LogiTech MX 1000 mouse.

Archived Support / Downloading Disabled - from the git-go
« on: October 30, 2004, 06:01:57 AM »
RE/You're running zonealarm, norton, or other firewall software.  Disable it and try TF again

Bingo.....Sheesh, I've lost count of the number of times I've forgotten about Norton Firewall.   Eventually, it'll soak in...I hope...


Archived Support / Downloading Disabled - from the git-go
« on: October 28, 2004, 05:06:20 PM »
Downloaded TopoFusion, fired it up, and the first thing it said was "TopoFusion
is having trouble contacting TerraServer, internet downloading is now disabled."

However, when I pointed my browser at to
get an image of my home town (, there was no problem.

I've toggled 'Internet Downloading' many times.  Restarted many times.   Same message.


Sounds like I'm doing something dumb...but what?

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