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Messages - mjh8154

Pages: [1]
Archived Support / tileset download problem
« on: November 07, 2005, 09:17:34 PM »
Thanks for getting back to me, sorry I didn't get back quicker.  No, I haven't had any significant hardware or software change lately, at least not since I have been experiencing this problem.

I've gone to other areas of the country, and I get the same thing: sporadic downloads of Topo 2M tiles.  Some download, some don't.  I do appreciate your suggestion of disabling Topo 2M in the Preferences dialog (from the other thread) and just zooming in more on the Topo 4M tiles, that works pretty well.

Thanks again for your help and for any future suggestions!  '<img'>


Archived Support / tileset download problem
« on: November 03, 2005, 02:44:10 PM »
Ok, so I was lazy,  '<img'> , and didn't search very thoroughly.  I found this post,;t=165 , and it seems similar to my problem, but not quite the same.

TomMc's problem, as he stated, was that he could not d/l the Topo 2M at all.  I am able to download a great many tiles of that resolution, just not all.

My graphics settings are at Highest (32 bit), 1280 x 800.



Archived Support / tileset download problem
« on: November 03, 2005, 10:34:40 AM »
Hi there,

Let me start off by saying, I LOVE your program!!  Definitely awesome!! '<img'>

I'm having trouble with downloading Topo 2M tileset maps for certain areas.  It downloads some of the tiles in the general area, and the other ones perpetually say "Downloading" (with the checkmark).  I'm wondering if they're just not available, but that doesn't seem to make sense because: 1.) You have a graphic just for that purpose that says that there are no maps available for that location and tileset, which is cool. and 2.) There are tiles adjacent to ones that say "Downloading" (with the check mark) that ARE there, so it seems odd that a tile right next to one would be there and the adjacent one wouldn't be.

GPS for one of the areas that won't download the Topo 2M tileset is : 40.45348 N   78.89852 W .  Now, the tile right below it does download, GPS within that tile is 40.44975 N  78.89863 W .

Thank you for a great program and for any help that you can give me on this.

Matthew Haslett

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