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Messages - Roach

Pages: [1]
TopoFusion Pro / Re: Subset of a gpx file?
« on: April 21, 2011, 08:13:37 PM »
I see now the error of my ways, it is simply one of my misunderstanding of the program's nomenclature. In the File menu, the choices in the Save group are 'Save Selected Files', 'Save Selected (File) as...' and 'Save All Files'. I assumed that the 'Save Selected (File) as...' choice to mean that a single, highlighted track - a portion of a single file- would be copied out into it's own file. (Parentheses are mine). Rather, it is really is a re-naming tool for the whole file which is currently selected in the file management area, and not a portion of a track in the map viewing area.

That all said, I still would like to know a best practice for copying a selected/highlighted track or subset of  tracks to a separate file. Any ideas are appreciated.

TopoFusion Pro / Re: Subset of a gpx file?
« on: April 18, 2011, 06:07:31 PM »
Was this save subset of functionality ever implemented? I tried the 'Save Selected As' under the file menu after highlighting/selected with a right click one track in a GPX file of many tracks. But the result was a copy of the entire GPX file with all the tracks, not the single track which I was targeting. I didn't see any reference in the user manual, but maybe I missed it (using ctrl-F in windows). In my work, I have to do a lot more splitting than lumping. Thanks.

Feature Requests / Re: Geo tagging images
« on: April 14, 2009, 11:15:52 PM »
Looks like this is the future...or is already here:

A consumer/ recreational grade gps/camera all-in-one premonition, maybe:

and existing examples:

Consumer/rec grade:

Resource grade:

I, too, am a fan of Geosetter, and the ability to read write an EXIF compatible jpg. What's attractive in Geosetter is the ability to assign coordinates using a drag and drop interface. It does not write to shapefiles, though as Topofusion does.

Feature Requests / User supplied "maps"
« on: March 09, 2007, 09:21:55 PM »
Yikes! What a drag.

Well, I (and I expect others) have a bunch of NAIP imagery see: NAIP Imagery in NAD83 UTM, but in MrSid Format. I'll have to research decompressors and format converters for this. Anyone already been there?

Feature Requests / User supplied "maps"
« on: March 09, 2007, 08:55:35 PM »
Quote (Krein @ Feb. 10 2007,6:21)
Possibly.  I don't know much about the format.  I'll have to look into how complex it is.  Might be as simple as adding a MRSid library.  If so, we'll be on it.

Wondering if you had any love with MrSid?

As always, thank you and great work!

Feature Requests / User supplied "maps"
« on: February 10, 2007, 04:57:10 PM »
Any chance of adding Mr Sid image support to the User Map Library?

Excellent work!

Feature Requests / Give us your ideas for improving TopoFusion
« on: September 27, 2006, 10:17:25 PM »
How about shapefile import/export support? I thought I saw some talk/interest in this some time ago on your website. Shapefiles are old, but are arguably the most common basic GIS data type so it would be a logical choice if it were decided to go this route. A technical description is here:

Keep up the good work.


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