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Messages - ahumpage

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Archived Support / Downloading Disabled <NEW>
« on: November 30, 2004, 06:53:32 AM »
Should say I e-mailed to

Archived Support / Downloading Disabled <NEW>
« on: November 29, 2004, 02:51:45 PM »
.gpx file e-mailed to you separately.  I don't get Topo 8M either.
I appreciate your help.
Anthony Humpage

Archived Support / Downloading Disabled <NEW>
« on: November 28, 2004, 08:38:18 PM »
Internet working OK.
Here is what happens: I open a track in say, Topo 4M map.  Topofusion scrolls r/l, up/dn fine, the tile download data OK. The same is true in Aerial 4M. Now let's say I go to Topo 2M, which I can't get -- get the eternal downloading check mark. (map not available from Expert GPS either, get the map server error mesage there).  Now when I go back to the Topo 4M map, and scroll, the tiles won't update, I get stuck with the downloading check mark message in the tiles.  If I closr Topofusion and restart it, the maps refresh fine again.
I tried various options for Internet, no joy.
Thanks, appreciate your patience.
Anthony Humpage
PS: Can get 1,2,4M resolution maps, photos from Terraserver-usa no problem.

Anthony Humpage

Archived Support / Downloading Disabled <NEW>
« on: November 28, 2004, 03:49:44 PM »
Thanks so much for your help.  I am really close to narrowing down the issue, and think it may be at Terraserver.
I am in Scottsdale.  Yesterday I was trying to view a track around 20th St and Missouri in Phoenix.  Today I uploaded a .gpx from a track I did around McDowell Mtn Ranch in Scottsdale.
This morning the aerial pictures and topos would scroll and update "on the fly" .. then stop.  Some maps -- other scales -- stuck at the "downloading" message.  
To ensure I was getting through to Terraserver without interference from my FW I downloaded the demo version of Expert GPS.  Scrolling OK there, but for the maps I get stuck in downloading in TopoFusion I also get a "Map Server Error" tileset in ExpertGPS.  They say: "ExpertGPS could not download the map from the map server. Contact ExpertGPS Support for assistance."  So, I conclude that Terraserver just isn't serving up those maps and aerial pictures this weekend.
For now things are working well enough.  Topofusion is going to be a great addition to my endurance and ultraendurance coaching. I wil keep you posted on the downloading issue -- it does seem a bit spotty.  What is strange is that it will work OK when I first go into TopoFusion, but then it stops.
Regards, Anthony Humpage

Archived Support / Downloading Disabled <NEW>
« on: November 27, 2004, 08:01:48 PM »
Thanks, that was an excellent pointer.  The "Downloading Disabled" message has been replaced by a check mark in the tiles and a "Downloading" message.  But even after a wait, nothing downloads.
As I am a new user, maybe there's something I'm missing:
1.  If a map or aerial photo is shown on the drop-down menu, may I assume it's available?  Or is the extended download telling me that item isn't available?  If I scrol off the edge of the map I see more "Downloading" tiles.  I am on a cable connection that usually gives me better than T1 speed, although I understand if Terraserver is getting many hits I may queue.  But is this normal?
2.  I checked my firewall logs.  Nothing seemiming ly amiss.  I'm getting two-way traffic to Terraserver even if it's slow.  E.G.:
Connection: http(80)
from <my PC>(xxx.168.168.2): 2297
105 bytes sent
16490 bytes received
1:02.703 elapsed time
Any more hints or comments much apreciated.
Anthony Humpage

Archived Support / Downloading Disabled <NEW>
« on: November 27, 2004, 02:49:47 PM »
I have a registered copy of Topofusion which I use to upload .gpx files from my Forerunner 201. I am a new user but have sucessfuly uploaded two tracks.
In my Demo version I was able to download Topo4M and Aerial4M, 1M over my tracks.  Now downloading is disabled for other choices or when I try to scroll off the edge of what I already downloaded.
What I got looked great.
I run XP Pro, all updates current, Windows Fwall OFF.  Problem same w/Norton Internet Security ON or OFF.  Checked Norton logs, looked to have an issue with Terraserver but since I wrote a rule that log alert has gone away, BUT, I still can't download maps or aerial views.
I don't enter via a proxy server, Cox cable internet, no problems elsewhere.
Any suggestions?  Don't know where to go from here. Thx.
Anthony Humpage.

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