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Messages - Penny

Pages: [1]
Archived Support / Still no luck
« on: July 27, 2005, 05:04:35 PM »
I never could get it to work, sorry!, even with the files you provided Same type of error messsages, I am sorry to say.  Please let me know when the new version is out.


Archived Support / Still no luck
« on: June 17, 2005, 08:51:55 PM »
will give it a whirl over the weekend.


Archived Support / Still no luck
« on: June 15, 2005, 08:29:18 PM »
OK, I see no comment on the error/screen shot I posted.
I checked the interface settings on my etrex summit and it is correct.I checked COM settings, Garmin settings etc. I did a full uninstall and reinstall.

Selecting new file or an existing file ( that I created on your direction) seems to make no difference.  

I have the closest to sucess when I select "download waypoints" with the subheaders unchecked, this acutally brings up the merge/delete window, but not without the error screen... which shuts down the whole program. ( see screen shot)

I can even access the "save" window like this, but the data does not save.  

frustrated. I'd even call you on my dime to try and figure this out.

system, again. XP Home, freshly installed and updated.

thanks again.
new screenshot of errors


I'm also a mtb girl, if that helps  ':p'

Archived Support / New user questions, this time with specifics.
« on: June 03, 2005, 07:40:14 PM »
here's another screenshot, I moved things around so you could see all the windows better
another screenshot

Archived Support / New user questions, this time with specifics.
« on: June 03, 2005, 07:34:42 PM »
sorry if I seem dense. Here's how I am attempting to download.
GPS ( Garmin Etrex summit turned on, hooked to computer by non-sub cable.

I open gps>gps transfer> get gps communication window> "new file" is only option ( I did make a new folder within the program but it doens't show up in the drop down window)

Are limited options a function of the demo?

Download tracks is checked.  Download goes into effect, and then I get this: ( screen shot loaded on my web site)

thanks, I'll keep plugging away on this end.

Archived Support / New user questions, this time with specifics.
« on: June 03, 2005, 04:52:56 PM »
The windows errow windown pops up on of of the save as window when the download is complete, there's no way I can get to the save as window to tell my files where to go.  I can make a screen shot of the error if you want, or copy and paste additional information from the error screen.

 I made a new track today, maybe that one will work, stay tuned.

Archived Support / New user questions, this time with specifics.
« on: June 03, 2005, 09:41:20 AM »
Error when downloading waypoints from Garmin eTrex summit. I have preferences set to Garmin, Com 1,. Download is complete, then Topofusion shuts down.  I get an error window from Windows that tells me this is the error

AppName: topofusion.exe AppVer: ModName: ntdll.dll

ModVer: 5.1.2600.2180 Offset: 00001010

It looks like down load gets completed as the "save as" window opens up under the error ( send error info window) opens up, but I am unable to save as the program shuts down.

computer is XP home, fully updated. connection is a non-USB cable

Any help would be appreciated.

Archived Support / New user questions
« on: June 02, 2005, 07:35:56 PM »
I'm thinking that NG TOPOCD is the only program that cannot conver to .gpx, right? If so, is there a way to import to topofusion, I did not see TOPOCD listed on the easy gpx site.

Also, I attempted to download a set of way points from my garmin etrex into topofusion ( demo) and it kept crashing the program. I'll try and get a screen shot.

Sorry to be such a newbie at this. Your program looks nice and I'd like to try it out.


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