I would find it very useful to be able to use the Draw Track tool to add on to an existing track. Something along the lines of (1) Select draw track tool (2) Right click on a track (3) Message box asks for confirmation "Add to track _trackname_?" Or asks to pick one of several close by tracks, just like the right click on the pan map tool
Or is there already a way to do this?
While the suggestion above would be useful in a number of ways, I specifically could have used it today when I ran into a scenario (that I have encountered before) while drawing a track where the draw tool seems to become stuck in "drag" mode, as if the left mouse button were being held down when it is not. I am not quite sure what steps are required to reproduce this behavior. It seems to happen when a drawn track reaches close to 300 points. But I have not found the magic sequence to force it to happen.