I think exporting to a movie is a good idea, too, but that would add a whole other large layer to TF for the bitmap capture. (Wouldn't it?)
Since you have the GPX data, which includes location and usually time, and it is already in a version of xml, how easy would it be to export that data, a static cycler icon, and anything else needed to a kml/kmz file, which is a slightly different version of xml?
Google Earth could then "play" the file using the new time function in the latest version. You could possibly include usermaps as overlays for Google Earth, or just use the images that Google Earth already provides.
http://www.gpsvisualizer.com/map?form=googleearthGPS Visualizer can already do much of this, though not time codes and animation I believe, but it certainly would be much nicer to have it all come out from one export process from TF.
Sorry, just thinking out loud.