Author Topic: Photo Placement by Coord?  (Read 6214 times)


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Photo Placement by Coord?
« on: October 28, 2006, 11:59:43 PM »

Is it possible to add in one of the new versions a feature to allow us to link Photos with a specific Lat/Lon instead of having to use the Track method?

Example would be to take a Picture or Goggle Aerial of an area that may have been heavily logged and then place it at that spot so when I see the area I can bring up a more current Aerial or Photo Image of the area.

I think this would be a good feature since the photos for thr trails are possible.


P.S. Dont forget the Forest name data too. ;-) I could use that GIS info.


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Photo Placement by Coord?
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2006, 02:48:21 PM »
You mean user imported maps?  Or do you mean adding maps through the PhotoFusion feature, but not having them forced to be within the time bounds of a track?

Check the announcements forum.  I just added the ability to add photos to the map (as waypoints).  So if this is what you mean, it's already done.

User calibrated maps will be soon....


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Photo Placement by Coord?
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2006, 04:34:24 PM »
Yes that is what I wanted Thanks! BTW how is the OCX error bug coming right now I can use any of the new versions on my laptop only 2.97 Intergrated maps sounds neat, if I gather it correctly you mean add our own Aerial map for areas? Dont forget to add the Foest GIS info I can REALLY use that stuff. Is there anyway to limit the info to sections? Like Midwest and MIdeast etc so it doesnt show ALL the info on the map at once, only the area we are in?




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Photo Placement by Coord?
« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2007, 08:52:37 PM »
The new photofusion that creates waypoints for the photos is just what I have been looking for!  I hope the waypoint will also have a time tag.  Is it available in beta yet?


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Photo Placement by Coord?
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2007, 07:57:42 PM »
New photofusion is available in beta, yep.  Give it a shot!

Right now it doesn't add a timestamp to the waypoint, but that could be added.  Curious, why do you want it?  (what's the application)



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Photo Placement by Coord?
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2007, 08:42:28 PM »
It's an easy way to add waypoints to a GPX file and to sync with a photo.   I pack the GPS safely away in a backpack and keep the camera handy and voila - two tasks done with one shutter buton.  Detail .. The site lets users create routes for GPS particularly Garmin Edge's. uses waypoints as markers for gallery photos or directional information.  (It's up to the user to figure out what his waypoints were for, hence the sync problem)  edit - Timetag because you may be returning on a leg.


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Photo Placement by Coord?
« Reply #6 on: January 16, 2007, 10:06:55 AM »
Right, I use a camera in the same way.  That's what the new photofusion does -- creates a waypoint at the place where you took the photo.

But I still don't see why the waypoint needs to have the timestamp saved in it.  I suppose the data is available (we know the time) so we should be saving it.  I'll add to the 'todo' list.



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Photo Placement by Coord?
« Reply #7 on: January 18, 2007, 07:18:15 AM »
If I'm making a guided route the instructions can change with each lap (or the return leg), the same point or nearly the same point may be seen multiple times.  The instructions change with each lap, the "time" of the waypoint is to help job the memory of the route creator (lets see.. lap1, lap2?, North, South?).  I suppose the sequencing of the file names in the camera could help but, time nails it.  OH NO!  Can you see what's next?  THE TRACK POINTS MAKE A VECTOR!  LOL