Author Topic: An easier way to use download tool  (Read 3839 times)


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An easier way to use download tool
« on: April 01, 2009, 07:51:40 AM »
Hi Scott,

I wonder if there might be an easier way to use the area download tool. That is, to be able to quickly select one or more tile sets to download. Say I just want to download the new Canadian topos for an area. As I understand, currently I need to open preferences>tile sets, and uncheck all but the one or ones I want. If I don't do this, TF wants to download tens of thousands of tiles for a small area in Desolation Sound for example. (Or am I missing something?)   :-[

Maybe a right click menu when the cursor is within a selected area, or something in the download message box.



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Re: An easier way to use download tool
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2009, 09:19:04 AM »
Your understanding is correct - you need to disable all map tiles you don't want.

I agree that it's kind of hacky the way it does it now.  There should be a similar tile selection grid on the download form to make it easier / more clear.

Hopefully I can add that when I add the ability to batch download color aerials (next version).

Not sure what you mean by right click menu in a selected area?

Scott Morris - founder and co-author of TopoFusion


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Re: An easier way to use download tool
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2009, 10:36:27 AM »
Scott, guess I was just thinking of right clicking somewhere in the rectangular area that will be downloaded, to bring up a list of options. But now that I think of it, naw....

Perhaps one useful option in the message box that pops up might be 'download all active tile types' if type is the right word. Say I wanted all the topos. While viewing topos, just select the 'active current types' option, and I could get them all for a very large area, nothing else. Then maybe I would want the aerials. Same process.