Author Topic: v2.51 - Forerunner 301 support  (Read 5412 times)


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v2.51 - Forerunner 301 support
« on: April 12, 2005, 07:14:03 AM »
Just a quick note that we released a new beta version - v2.51 that includes support for the Forerunner 301.  We still don't have heart rate data capability, but tracks now download correctly from the unit.


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v2.51 - Forerunner 301 support
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2005, 06:40:59 PM »
Just tried it and it works beautifully. As an added bonus, TF seems a lot faster pulling the tracks off via the usb connection as compared to the serial port. Nice job.


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v2.51 - Forerunner 301 support
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2005, 09:44:36 PM »
MultiSport on Forerunner 301

Previous downloads from the Active Log did well. (reported previously).

Today used the MultiSport feature on the Forerunner.  Ran a few miles, used the MultiSport option and walked a mile as another sport.  Left it in the Active log (did not reset) and then downloaded to Topofusion - only the walking portion appeared in the log book dialog box.

Confirmed that both portions would download to Garmin's Training Center and to Sportsim without problem.

Went back and reset the forerunner to save the track and then downloaded to
Topofusion - this time the running portion and walking portion were both available to save as separate files.  Both running and walking files worked fine and was able to do climbing analysis without trouble.


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v2.51 - Forerunner 301 support
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2005, 04:50:54 PM »
Ok, thanks for the report.  Looks like there is another mystery to solve...


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v2.51 - Forerunner 301 support
« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2005, 08:33:18 PM »
Just got an error message:  "Trouble decoding NASA png file - something about offset? - then it advised that I check that I have a current corona.dll file.  Currently unable to view satelite images.  Had been able to earlier in the evening.  This hit out of the blue -- bam!

Restarted Topofusion - still didn't seem to work - could not switch to satelite images.  Then -- bam!  Now I can again.  Seems to be working fine.


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v2.51 - Forerunner 301 support
« Reply #5 on: April 25, 2005, 09:56:52 AM »
The OnEarth server doesn't have the greatest uptime.  We'll have to check our error messages though, that doens't seem right.