This site,, has most of California in DEMs, with clickable map, nice and quick to load. The other states are in SDTS just with quad names, which is more demanding. I worked on some parts of Utah by getting quad names from and then downloading one by one from the above SDTS site.
I'd like to suggest some kind of sharing scheme between the people here, since getting the DEMs is painful (although a bit less with Alan's program).
I have most of Wasatch Front and SW Utah (St. George, Gooseberry) now, which I can compress and put on my website, if there's interest. I'll probably end up doing most of Utah, at least the places where I've been. Don't want to advertise this too much, as it's an university site, but, a few dozens downloads would be OK.
Pls, let me know if others feel like joining in.