Author Topic: CitySearch  (Read 4243 times)


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« on: September 21, 2006, 09:15:47 PM »
Hi guys,
Cool, like the GIS data download stuff.

Did the full set of downloads. Tried to search for a city, couldn't find it......

Seems to be only searching the big city file, not the enhanced downloaded version.

Yeah? Nea?  I loked in the TF log to see if there was any notes, but your not writing anything there I see, least noy city search stuff.

But cheers on implementing some new goodies.



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« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2006, 09:57:50 AM »
Correct, it's only searching the city-small file (that is included with the installer).

There will be an "advanced" tab that will let you select to search in both, or even in other loaded GPX files.

Only problem with the city-large file is that there are so many cities that you get a lot of duplicates.  E.G. there are 5-6 Denver's throughout the country.  By default I'd think most people can get close to where they want to go in the small city file.

However, it would make sense to search the big city file if the small one doesn't return anything... Plus new users won't have the big city file to confuse them.  That might work until we have more time to flush the search function out (advanced mode).


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« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2006, 08:40:23 PM »
No advanced tab yet, but it will now search city-large if it exists.

Try v2.965

Results from city-small are first, so if it's a major city the first results will likely be the best.  Seems pretty intuitive to me.