Hi guys,
Out doing some running around the eastern mid-west and thought I'd play with the laptop/gps while someone else drove.
Well the speed on the live tracking window reports we were doing 120 mi ph while we were behind a state trooper. His crown vic might have been able to maintain that speed... but our rental Sebring is probably not capable of that for a very long period.
Actually... the speedometer said we were doing in the upper 70's/lower 80's, and that was confirmed on the display of my Edge 305. But TF had a whole different set of numbers. Also of note... no speed or times were recorded in the tracklog when I saved the track from the live tracking.
On another note.. maybe similar, maybe not. I tried using this feature about a year ago with my 201 and got similar results. I atributed it to the fact that I had to use a USB-serial adapter between the 201 and my laptop.
Yes? No?
Ohhhh... I also tried running my Edge through Franson GPS gate and then using the serial input to TF. No joy. I saved the logs if it'll help. Mostly the signifigant message was:
Initializing Com2 at 9600 baud.
NT: The operation completed successfully.
GetLastError = 0
checksum error coming from GPS, retrying, checksum/pchecksum 171 - 50
checksum error coming from GPS, retrying, checksum/pchecksum 220 - 50
checksum error coming from GPS, retrying, checksum/pchecksum 11 - 10....etc....
Okay it might be two seperate issues. If so, let me know and we'll track it seperatly... or not at all if I seem to be the lone wolf here.